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Best site for UK EPG

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Best site for UK EPG


I see quite a few sites for UK epg data, and im currently using

Ive noticed that some of the other siteinis seem to offer more info in the epg tho, like episode number.

"sub-title lang" would also be awesome.

Which site offers the best epg data with these extra details across all the uk channels?


EDIT: I’ve noticed on the website TV guide, which I think the ini uses, has like episode number etc. is it possible to get the to also pull this data. If so I’d be happy with keeping that siteini.

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Uthall wrote:

I see quite a few sites for UK epg data, and im currently using
Ive noticed that some of the other siteinis seem to offer more info in the epg tho, like episode number.
"sub-title lang" would also be awesome.
Which site offers the best epg data with these extra details across all the uk channels?
EDIT: I’ve noticed on the website TV guide, which I think the ini uses, has like episode number etc. is it possible to get the to also pull this data. If so I’d be happy with keeping that siteini.

About half way down in the the UK-Sky.ini there is a section about Season and Episode info.  You need to put an asterisk at the beginning of this line below:
*index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(S\d+.*?[Ee].*?\d+\)} *(Sxx..E..xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
Season/Episode info is removed by default in the UK-Sky ini.  So you have to "comment" that line out.

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Ok perfect.

Is there any way if getting the sub-title lang data in there too?

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Uthall wrote:

Ok perfect.
Is there any way if getting the sub-title lang data in there too?

That I'm not too sure about. I'm fairly new to Webgrab++ still, hopefully the experts can chime in. Are you sure the Sky TV Guide has sub-title language?
I would suggest donating to these guys. They work hard to make all of this happen. I donated within the first few months of being joining.

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Yea, i donated yesterday, more than happy with all the help and a great product, so well worth it for sure.

The sub-title isnt actually subtitles, its more of a secondary program description.

Sorta looks like the below:

sub-title lang=en You Will Meet A Tall, Dark Liar sub-title

Edit: Ive uploaded the sky ini file im using, it doesnt seem to have the line you have referenced. Maybe im using an old ini?

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you can also use horizon (virginmedia)

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ok, do you having working files, i couldn't get virgin to work either......

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Uthall wrote:

ok, do you having working files, i couldn't get virgin to work either......

You have to use the one in the donators forum.  Since your a donator, you should see a siteini pack forum section at the bottom of the main forums page.  That's unlocked after donating.
For UK i use a combo of Horizontv and UK RadioTimes (in addition to UK-Sky) .  Theyre both in there in the Europe subforum. You do have to put in the decrypt key in your xml file
like this:
<decryptkey site="">xxxxx</decryptkey>

Blackbear199's picture
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guys modify ini is not necessary.
use the rex post processor(look at the documented configuration files on downloads page).
it well documented and contains example.

this is what rex is build for,you can move,delete any element in your xml file to anywhere you want.

example u can add episode,subtitle(or any other element) to wherever you want and then easily remove them from the resulting xml making you end xml file smaller.

its also fast,can do a 10gb file in seconds.

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Perfect fellas, got it sorted, many thanks.

@jhr1948 so you use horizon and UK radio as well as uk-sky? Whats the reason there, i find all the channels i want in uk-sky.

I cant however find that what the other 2 have?

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a example of what can be done with rex.

u can do unlimited things with rex,this is a simple example.
u can add text or whatever you want.
ex my rex just adds the Sx Ey to description,it can easily be changed to something like Episode: Sx Ey

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Blackbear199 wrote:

guys modify ini is not necessary.
use the rex post processor(look at the documented configuration files on downloads page).
it well documented and contains example.
this is what rex is build for,you can move,delete any element in your xml file to anywhere you want.
example u can add episode,subtitle(or any other element) to wherever you want and then easily remove them from the resulting xml making you end xml file smaller.
its also fast,can do a 10gb file in seconds.

Blackbear199, correct me if i'm wrong, but if Season/Episode information was removed during the actual scan, you can't add that after using post-processing. The UK-SKy ini has that line (SxxExx) uncommented by default
Or were you referring to using post-processing to remove sub-title from description and add a <sub-title></sub-title> element?

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UTHall I use all 3 just to fill in the rest. UK-Sky does have many of the channels, however, won't carry some channels (like the Virgin channels).
Btw, I just noticed UK Sky does have Sub-title, its in the beginning of the description.  I'm reading up on the Rex post processing Blackbear199 mentioned to pull it out and seperate it
Here's what one entry looks like:
<programme start="20200326014500 +0000" stop="20200326024500 +0000" channel="Nick Jr Too"><title lang="en">Peppa Pig</title><desc lang="en">Grandpa Pig's Pond; Bubbles; Emily Elephant; Polly's Holiday; Pottery; Edmond Elephant's Birthday; The Biggest Muddy Puddle In The World; Potato City: Eight episodes.</desc><category lang="en">20</category><rating system="UK"><value>--</value></rating></programme>
You can see "Grandpa Pig's Pond" is the sub-title

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another(same data) with a few quick changes..

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No probs......

@jhr1948 which one of those has the subtitle data...any idea? Also, how do i use the decrtpy key. The ini file has a load of jibberish in i copy all that into the webgrab xml or something?

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jhr1948 wrote:

Blackbear199 wrote:
guys modify ini is not necessary.
use the rex post processor(look at the documented configuration files on downloads page).
it well documented and contains example.
this is what rex is build for,you can move,delete any element in your xml file to anywhere you want.
example u can add episode,subtitle(or any other element) to wherever you want and then easily remove them from the resulting xml making you end xml file smaller.
its also fast,can do a 10gb file in seconds.

Blackbear199, correct me if i'm wrong, but if Season/Episode information was removed during the actual scan, you can't add that after using post-processing. The UK-SKy ini has that line (SxxExx) uncommented by default
Or were you referring to using post-processing to remove sub-title from description and add a <sub-title></sub-title> element?

I see no reason why it would be removed during scan unless u modified the ini.
2nd quest just the opposite,with rex u can move(copy the subtitle to description) and remove the sub-title element itself.
reasons for doing this may sinply be your epg view may not show the subtitle so u want it added to desc.there no sense in keeping the sub-title element in the data as its not used so why not remove it(along with anything else that does show) and make ur xml smaller and faster to load.

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Uthall wrote:

No probs......
@jhr1948 which one of those has the subtitle data...any idea? Also, how do i use the decrtpy key. The ini file has a load of jibberish in i copy all that into the webgrab xml or something?

check my edited post above, UK Sky does have sub-title

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Thanks guys, can i ask one small favour, what the rex line to pull the subtitle text from that string

Peppa PigGrandpa Pig's Pond; Bubbles; Emily Elephant; Polly's Holiday; Pottery; Edmond Elephant's Birthday; The Biggest Muddy Puddle In The World; Potato City: Eight episodes.20--

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Blackbear199 wrote:

I see no reason why it would be removed during scan unless u modified the ini.
2nd quest just the opposite,with rex u can move(copy the subtitle to description) and remove the sub-title element itself.
reasons for doing this may sinply be your epg view may not show the subtitle so u want it added to desc.there no sense in keeping the sub-title element in the data as its not used so why not remove it(along with anything else that does show) and make ur xml smaller and faster to load.

I know it seems backwards, but the UK-Sky ini (untouched) removes SxxExx, you have to comment the remove line so that it keeps it.   This is what that part of the ini looks like (untouched)
*episode scrubbed from index_description,most are in () but some are not
index_temp_1.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_description' "\(([ES0-9].+?)\)"} season/episode or just episode in ()
index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(S\d+.*?[Ee].*?\d+\)} *(Sxx..E..xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(E.*\d+\)} *(E..xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_descriptionindex_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(\d+\/\d+\)} *(xx/xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_description.modify {remove(index_temp_1 not "" type=regex)|\s\(\d+\sof\s\d+\)} *(xx of xx) *disable to leave season/episode info in index_description
index_description.modify {cleanup(index_temp_1 not "")}index_temp_1.modify {replace('index_temp_1' not "" type=regex)|,*\s*[Ee]p*\s*|E}

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for something like this its not possible.
here's why..
its obv this show is playing multiple episodes back to back.
webgrab has no ai to know what a subtitle is in the description from regular text.

the ini checks for the subtitle at the beginning of the description up to a [space]-[space] or a : or the first period(.).
it also only checks this if the episode info is not empty.

obv is there is no episode info the beginning of the description is probably not a subtitle.

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Uthall wrote:

Thanks guys, can i ask one small favour, what the rex line to pull the subtitle text from that string
Peppa PigGrandpa Pig's Pond; Bubbles; Emily Elephant; Polly's Holiday; Pottery; Edmond Elephant's Birthday; The Biggest Muddy Puddle In The World; Potato City: Eight episodes.20--

I'm trying to read how to pull the sub-title out.  Like I mentioned this is all new to me.  When i look at the manual, it looks like another language.
But like Blackbear199 said, whatever it is you're feeding the xml to might not read the sub-title, that's why its put in the beginning of the Description.

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@jhr1948 exactly!!

I actually want the subtitle at the beginning of the description.

However i want a ~*~ at the beginning and the end......this helps my app know thats the subtitle.

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Uthall wrote:

@jhr1948 exactly!!
I actually want the subtitle at the beginning of the description.
However i want a ~*~ at the beginning and the end......this helps my app know thats the subtitle.

Fyi, Horizon and radiotimes do separate sub-titles.
Here's an ex of Radiotimes
<programme start="20200326020500 +0000" stop="20200326030000 +0000" channel="AMC HD">
<title lang="en">Ride with Norman Reedus</title>
<sub-title lang="en">Japan with Ryan Hurst</sub-title>
<desc lang="en">Norman and Ryan Hurst tour modern Japan and explore its technological history, ultimately arriving at the iconic and serene Mount Fuji.</desc>
<category lang="en">Documentary</category>
<icon src="" />
<episode-num system="onscreen">S4 E2</episode-num>
Horizon ex
<programme start="20200326000000 +0000" stop="20200326005000 +0000" channel="Boomerang">
<title lang="en">Taffy</title>
<sub-title lang="en">The Highest Bidder/I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat/Bentley's Girlfriend/D.N.A. OK/Staycation/Mission Mish Mash/A Bentley Carol</sub-title>
<desc lang="en">Animation. Taffy, a raccoon disguises himself as kitty to infiltrate Muchmore manor, home of extremely senior and her beloved dog. Everending events follow. Episodes include The Highest Bidder/I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat/Bentley's Girlfriend/D.N.A. OK/Staycation/Mission Mish Mash/A Bentley Carol. Animation. Taffy, a raccoon disguises himself as kitty to infiltrate Muchmore manor, home of extremely senior and her beloved dog. Everending events follow. Episodes include The Highest Bidder/I Now Pronounce You Dog and Cat/Bentley's Girlfriend/D.N.A. OK/Staycation/Mission Mish Mash/A Bentley Carol.</desc>
<category lang="en">Kids</category>
<category lang="en">Youth</category>
<category lang="en">For Ages 6 14</category>
<icon src=""">" />

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ok, maybe ill try one of them then.

How do i use these encrypted ini files?

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Uthall wrote:

ok, maybe ill try one of them then.
How do i use these encrypted ini files?

If it is E regularly, it is .EK you need to add a decrypt key to config (see online documentation).

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Uthall wrote:

ok, maybe ill try one of them then.
How do i use these encrypted ini files?

Just add the keys for the inis you want to use at the top of the config. Here's what mine looks like
<postprocess grab="y" run="n">rex</postprocess>
<user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/80.0.3987.87 Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36</user-agent>
<decryptkey site="">xxxxx</decryptkey>
<decryptkey site="">xxxxx</decryptkey>
<decryptkey site="">xxxxx</decryptkey>
<license wg-username="xxxxxx" registered-email="xxxxxxxxxxx" password="xxxxxxxxxx"></license>
<retry time-out="5">4</retry>

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Last seen: 4 weeks still on 2.9 so i dont think i need the license line yet do i?

Have you tried the Malaysian astro ini at all?

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I made some changed for shows that have multi subtitles,looks ok now?
I will send it to mat8861 to encrypt and upload it.

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brilliant....thanks muchly!

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Mat, kindly let me know when the new ini is available please......

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Blackbear199 wrote:

I made some changed for shows that have multi subtitles,looks ok now?
I will send it to mat8861 to encrypt and upload it.

Looks great Blackbear199!
Did you notice what i said about the uk-sky ini and how it removes SxxExx by default?  Seems backwards to me.  Seems like it should be enabled, then someone can comment it out to disable SxxExx.

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well one cannot make everyone happy and every 2nd person wants it this way or that way.
the ini separates the elements as they shud be(episode info,subtitle,ect)
if u wanted it added back to description or whatever use rex as I explained above.
it take minutes to setup and seconds to run.

what if you used 5 diff ini(u gonna ask how to modify each?).with rex it does the xml file webgrab creates(it don't matter how many diff sintini use)

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Blackbear199 wrote:

well one cannot make everyone happy and every 2nd person wants it this way or that way.
the ini separates the elements as they shud be(episode info,subtitle,ect)
if u wanted it added back to description or whatever use rex as I explained above.
it take minutes to setup and seconds to run.
what if you used 5 diff ini(u gonna ask how to modify each?).with rex it does the xml file webgrab creates(it don't matter how many diff sintini use)

Not complaining at all.  Was pointing out that you kept telling us to use rex so we don't have to touch the ini.  Just to make sure i'm understanding correctly though, rex is post-processing.  
But i was just pointing out that Uthall needed to enable SxxExx in the ini first, by commenting out the remove SxxExx since that's how the ini was created.  My point being is he has to touch the ini in this situation or his initial grab (before reg post-processing) or he would not have the SxxExx.
Not sure if i'm making sense.  If i'm wrong, please correct me, I don't want to give Uthall (or anyone else) incorrect advice.  Just trying to help.

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Uthall wrote:

Mat, kindly let me know when the new ini is available please......

Bt and sky

Blackbear199's picture
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ini I sent mat to upload has everything separated correctly.
using rex u can add it back to description in any order or way you want.

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Download it again if u downloaded already....BB199 like channels to be in alphabetic order.

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mat8861 wrote:

Download it again if u downloaded already....BB199 like channels to be in alphabetic order.

Mat8861 thanks for the update, i see BT in the new siteini pack, but not sky. I see a Sky key in the Donator's forum, but not the ini.
Am i missing somehting?

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get it from the donators section,siteini.pack make take a day to update as it only updates once/day.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

get it from the donators section,siteini.pack make take a day to update as it only updates once/day.

Thanks Blackbear199

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I stopped adding siteini in donator section (only keys), too much work when there is an update, so you will find it in siteini.pack,if you in hurry get it on github direclty

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Hi all, thanks loads for all you help on this.

Matt, i went to that link you posted above, but the most recent uk-sky,com file is 2 years old......

Should the update date be yesterday?

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Uthall wrote:

Hi all, thanks loads for all you help on this.
Matt, i went to that link you posted above, but the most recent uk-sky,com file is 2 years old......
Should the update date be yesterday?

Search this on that page:
It's definitely in there.
Thanks Mat!

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Ah yea, found that one, but is the Chanel ID etc in that file the same as those in the one?

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Uthall wrote:

Ah yea, found that one, but is the Chanel ID etc in that file the same as those in the one?

Doesn't look like they're the same.

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Ok, so downloaded the new

Added some channels from from the github file to my WebGrab++.config.xml

added the decrpt line to that as well with the key from the donator section.

Now im getting a decrypt error....what am i missing?

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Ok, so it looks like both the new sky and bt files need v3 webgrab to an fyi

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Right you need new wg++ version because a lot of new siteini need the enhancement made with V3, so from now on, no more v2 except the old exsisting ones that work anyway with V3.

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No probs....all good and thanks everyone in this thread for the help!

Just on another ini, ive just tried the ini from the dona tors thread, and i keep getting "no shows in indexpage!"

Is there a new file?

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Blackbear199 wrote:

get it from the donators section,siteini.pack make take a day to update as it only updates once/day.

Does anyone know which provider (and in turn XML) updates best/most often ?

I found that with horizon.EK xml - if there's a change in the evening show in the middle of the day ( in my test, Freeview changed the guide at 1pm - pushing the evening show from 9pm to 10pm ) , my horizon.EK grabber ran at 5pm - it still wasnt reflected. In fact, i tried even at 8pm - still didnt update.

Is Sky, radio, bt any better ?

(by the way , i do not want to run my grabber too often, but i do run it at 5pm so get the most up-to-date listings for the evening)


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