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Active forum topics

Topic Replies Last postsort descending Forum
Normal topic and Error
by Bullet on Mon, 2023-08-21 06:03
2 by Bullet
Wed, 2023-08-23 09:06
Normal topic [ERROR] DotNet required, but it's not installed
by poloche63 on Tue, 2022-04-05 07:24
3 by mat8861
Thu, 2023-08-24 19:57
Normal topic Please update
by medecember on Sat, 2023-08-26 06:07
1 by mat8861
Sat, 2023-08-26 22:11
SiteIni requests
Normal topic New REX Postprocess not working
by davidmumar on Tue, 2023-08-22 17:44
14 by maxcalavera
Thu, 2023-08-31 22:36
Mdb & Rex
Normal topic
by Bberry on Tue, 2023-08-15 19:22
11 by mat8861
Sat, 2023-09-02 19:11
SiteIni requests
Hot topic
by extream87 on Sat, 2023-07-22 12:18
37 by davidmumar
Sat, 2023-09-02 23:14
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Merge XMLTV include Actor Role element
by Kick4U on Fri, 2023-09-01 01:43
8 by mat8861
Mon, 2023-09-04 10:06
Ini files
Normal topic sledovanitv source mixes events from different channels
by blujacker on Wed, 2023-02-08 07:21
7 by kevinlos
Mon, 2023-09-04 10:08
SiteIni requests
Normal topic error in new version 5.1
by cristiano pereira on Mon, 2023-09-04 12:11
1 by mat8861
Mon, 2023-09-04 18:23
Normal topic Request channels
by kevinlos on Mon, 2023-09-04 11:24
3 by mat8861
Mon, 2023-09-04 18:47
SiteIni requests
Normal topic RPI Cron DotNET not working
by repalis on Mon, 2023-09-04 19:48
by repalis
Mon, 2023-09-04 20:09
Normal topic error in new version 5.1
by cristiano pereira on Mon, 2023-09-04 11:30
6 by cristiano pereira
Wed, 2023-09-06 10:53
Ini files
Normal topic Update EPG Channel for on indonesia
by onizuka13 on Tue, 2023-09-05 05:40
3 by mat8861
Wed, 2023-09-06 14:46
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Asustor/ADM NAS Installation
by xgx on Wed, 2023-09-06 03:26
8 by mat8861
Fri, 2023-09-08 17:29
Normal topic skweek TV
by BeChan on Fri, 2023-09-08 12:31
1 by mat8861
Fri, 2023-09-08 17:33
SiteIni requests
Normal topic
by AnhDoan on Wed, 2023-08-23 05:12
6 by Blackbear199
Wed, 2023-09-13 10:07
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Newbie needs help
by latinhawk on Thu, 2023-09-14 20:15
by latinhawk
Thu, 2023-09-14 20:15
Ini files
Normal topic Newbie needs help
by latinhawk on Thu, 2023-09-14 20:15
1 by Blackbear199
Thu, 2023-09-14 20:25
Ini files
Hot topic tvguide
by BeChan on Wed, 2023-09-06 23:11
26 by BeChan
Thu, 2023-09-14 23:17
SiteIni requests
Normal topic Modify title scrub in site.ini
by cabasa on Wed, 2023-08-30 23:09
4 by cabasa
Fri, 2023-09-15 11:42


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