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Looks like something has changed at yourtv, getting no data now - may need an update:


[  Info  ] (   1/1   ) YOURTV.COM.AU -- chan. (xmltv_id=ABC1) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel ABC1
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from ABC1
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later



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If you need anything further, let me know and I'll grab it styraight away.


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Confirmed, working..  :)



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Slight issue.. I'm only able to grab 2 days worth of data,anything more and I get errors:


[  Info  ] update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 7 day(s)
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] (   1/1   ) YOURTV.COM.AU -- chan. (xmltv_id=ABC NSW) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel ABC NSW
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from ABC NSW
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later
[  Info  ] Existing guide data restored!

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Thanks, testing it now..

Will it also be possible to grab the images from the site as you did here:

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Thanks, and it's also not very good with the local Aussie shows either, where does it grab the images from?


 Is there any other postprocessing that can be done to get them?

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Hi Blackbear thanks for the updated - I have been messing with this and finally figured how to make it work !

My problem is however with the series and episode numbers - you fixed this for me in the frreview thread - when that was working.

My requirement was to have the series and episode number in the format SXXEXX pre-pended to the front of the subtitle with the series and episodes zero filled ie S02E08 not S2E8.

I tried pinching your code from the freeview and inserting into the yourtv.ini file but cannot get it to work as I have liitle clue as to what I am doing :>)

If you get a chance can you look at this for me and if I can be also ask for NOT pre-pending if there is no Series number and also if Episode number is greater than 99.

Below is my unsuccesful attempt


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Thanks Blackbear that sort of works.

It seems when the episode data has an output of "onscreen" it doesn't work - I remember you having two sections for this in freeview but again could not make head or tail of it.

<episode-num system="onscreen">S1</episode-num> when this is in the guide data - no series or episode is prepended.

I have extracted some example data from my guide.xml to illustrate this

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Blackbear199 wrote:

if you want to dive into mdb go for it.i have some success and failures.

i find it works good for movies but series shows are touch and go.

start reading and reading then more reading.

the latest postprocessor updates havnt been added to the documentation yet so how it exactly works i dont know.

i juts go by what i can find here.

i've tried debugging it many times but always get stuck as i dont know what these changes are doing exactly.



Thanks, think it's time I started to trying myself.. ;)

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Thanks Blackbear all working nicely now and Emby displaying recordings in correct season. :>)

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Folks, this and the Freeview Australia thread have become very convoluted. I moved back to YourTV today from Freeview Australia but had to piece together the discussion between the two threads in order to get everything to work. I've attached the resultant files [HAVE DELETED THE FILES AS THEY WERE INCORRECT. REFER LATER POST FOR ONE THAT WORKS AND CONTAINS ALL UPDATES] and updated the comments to reflect what's been changed and its forum reference. Hopefully this makes it easier for others. laugh

To make things easier for those not so tech savvy, may I suggest we either create a new thread or remove all other ini and xml filles from this thread?

Also how do we update the yourtv files in the SiteINI pack? The one that is included is very old indeed and will definitely not work.

Things I had to do to get it to work for me:

  • Hard coded my region into the url_index string otherwise WebGrabPlus gave me an error. Not sure if this is meant to be automatic given there's code at the front that looks to strip that data out of a string (ie. 'index_temp_2' for the region)
  • Removed the timezone parameter from the url_index string as it completely mucked up my EPG start/finish times when I imported them into NextPVR (NextPVR must take the +10 and add it to the start time)

@BlackBear199 - I also had an issue with the channel generation code whereby a # is left prepended to the channel id (refer attached file labelled weirdchannelid.xml). Being a bit time poor, and having absolutely no idea about regular expressions, I simply manually removed the # from my WebGrab++.config.xml file. I've added a comment to the ini file advising the user that they will have to do that themselves.

Thanks for the great work of BlackBear199, lynchmob and Dennisdv that got us to this point! smiley

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{deleted what I had said here as it's no longer pertinent and I don't want to waste anyones time}

Believe it or not but you can request the url without stipulating the timezone parameter (eg. url_index{url||urldate|&format=html&region=73}). It's probably lucky for me that the default return is AEDST (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time) rather than another time zone. AEDST is the one I'm in.

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Try these working files for Sydney. I have no issues..

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Thanks Jay888. Now having seen your channels.xml file I've found the problem. I somehow missed BlackBear199's comment to replace the <channel> line in the WebGrab++config.xml file with the region <channel> line. crying What an idiot I am. blush

Have updated the ini file comments and re-uploaded it. This ini file is vanilla so no changes to region ids has been made. This ini works exactly as per BlackBear199's original but incorporates the changes made since by BlackBear199, lynchmob and others.

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Glad you got it working, and I never knew about the channel icon.. did wonder about that.


Will test the ini now.

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Great work getting this back and up running guys. It's by far the best and the most content-rich of all the Australian sites and isn't missing the smaller regional areas either.

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I have come across a problem. It ignores programmes with what appears to be short duration times.

Example of how it should look:

<programme start="20161112060000 +1100" stop="20161112061500 +1100" channel="ABC2">
    <title lang="en">This Is Scarlett and Isaiah</title>

<programme start="20161112061500 +1100" stop="20161112062500 +1100" channel="ABC2">
    <title lang="en">Ping Pong</title>

<programme start="20161112062500 +1100" stop="20161112070000 +1100" channel="ABC2">
    <title lang="en">Postman Pat</title>


However, the middle programme (Ping Pong) is ignored and the stop time for first programme (This Is Scarlett and Isaiah) is adjusted to the middle programme's stop time. I think it may have something to do with how the website compresses short programmes into a single column on the grid, but not certain.

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I don't have the data from yesterday so cannot confirm - but I can confirm that I have programs of 5 minutes duration diplaying on my frontend.

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I have the same issue, plus also the year of the TV show is being shown in the title.. shouldn't that be in the tv show or movie info?


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Have updated post #23 above to reflect the short duration show fix.

@Blackbear199 - it looks like your #5 post ini file now contains all the updates I had amalgamated. If this is the case let me know and I'll remove my ini file so that yours remains the primary source.

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Unfortunately there now appears to be another issue. Could this issue be linked to the change incorporated last night?? 

In short, tvguide.xml (refer attached) does not contain the show Hyde & Seek on Channel 9HD at 8.40pm. It is on the yourtv website (starting 8.40pm) and it comes up in the text delivered by the url_index line (refer attached dump.txt). In lieu, the tvguide.xml has RBT going through to the start of the next programme at 9.44pm (Tough Nuts).

I've not checked other channels to see if it occurs on them. I noticed just now with 9HD as I was watching TV.

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Thanks Blackbear199.

Post #23 above updated (if this is the same as yours let me know and I'll remove it)

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Has anyone else been getting the error below in the last two days?

[Error   ] Unable to update channel Nine
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] Current culture: en-GB
[Error   ] time parsing error : The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 0.

It happens to me only on Channel 9 (Sydney). A review of and the index_site data highlights the error is on a channel called 9Now. This channel is not picked up on the channel scrub and looks to be an on-demand channel.

Moreover, it doesn't follow the same format as the FTA channels. As such, the error looks likely to be thrown on the index_start.scrub {single|<p>||</p>|</p>} line as there is no time data (it's the episode title for this channel).

Is there a way we can ignore this channel (am curious why it doesn't already given there is no corresponding channel in the config.xml file for it)? I also note that the following is <p class="catchup">. Can this be used as a means of ignoring the data?

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@Blackbear199 - that's awesome! Thanks. I wish I had the knowledge about this that you do! We'd all be lost without your efforts.

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Thank you Blackbear199! Works perfectly

Has donated long time ago
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It does indeed work great - but now there are new channels and renamed channels here in Sydney (I wish these guys didn't mess around so much) and am trying to generate a channels file to reflect that. Not been able so far - have generated a Regions file and a Channels file that only shows the Foxtel channels but since I only use FTA that didn't help me much. Cannot figure out how to generate the FTA channels file - the logic in the section at the end of the .INI eludes me I'm afraid.


Any help?? What do I "unstar" to get it to generate the FTA channels file??


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@Dennisdv You may have solved your issue already. If not, it sounds like you're not updating the region data in the ini file to reflect your region when it grabs the channel. You may have also forgotten to copy your region channels into the WebGrab++config.xml. Here are the full steps. If you already have your region data then step 1 can be missed.

  1. To create your XML REGION DATA: Ensure your WebGrap++config.xml file contains a dummy <channel> entry. the comments from the #####  REGION FILE CREATION section. To do this, remove ONE asterix from each line in this section. Now run WebGrabPlus. Once completed, re-comment the #####  REGION FILE CREATION section by adding an asterix to the start of each line.
  2. To create your XML CHANNEL DATA: From the XML REGION DATA file created in step 1, copy the associated <channel.....</channel> for your region into your WebGrab++.config.xml file. Now run WebGrabPlus after removing the comments from the #####  CHANNEL FILE CREATION (again, this is done by removing ONE asterix). Remember to change ##REGION## with your region as per the instructions in the ini file. (I suspect this last bit is what you've missed as the ini defaults to Foxtel if this isn't changed)
  3. Copy the <channel> data from your XML CHANNEL DATA file in to your WebGrab++.config.xml file. Your site_ids should be in the following format site_id="18671#73##Sydney".  
  4. Set timezone= in the line beginning "site {" below to the Australian timezone for the region you selected. May be Australia/Location or UTC+10:00. If unsure, use timezone=? and run WebGrabPlus once. Then open webgrab++.log and there will be a list of valid timezones that you can use.
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