You are here premiere error

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Last seen: 2 months premiere error

Hi everyone.  I have a pretty large epg i create using Canada, USA and UK.  I primarily use and use a couple of other providers like zap2it to fill in a few missing channels.  I pull from about 10 different providers and have made a channels xml for all the providers available for the 3 countries.  Everything works great and besides a little ini maintenance every few months to keep up with the providers it has worked well for the past year.  My only problem is with and programs that are premiering (first broadcast airdate), and happens with all providers in all countries.  I'm not sure if the problem is with the ini or the provider.  Some new shows have the tag "New" at the end of the program title, and these grab and display the description and sub-title.  Other new programs show "(?)" at the end of the title and don't grab the description or subtitle but rather display "No information available".  Whats strange is that a channel may have both styles of premiere tag, and changing the provider or country of that channel has the same error.  I was wondering if someone could tabe a look at the ini and see if they can tweak it as it's a real shame that new episodes have no description and are primarily what i want to watch.  Also if there's a way to combine the "New" and "(?)" tags to a common variable like "(*)" it would be appreciated.  I tried to rename with sed the "New" tags and ran into headaches with programs that have news in the title.  I can supply any providers or channels if needed but for now i'll just post a single channel example chosen at random and what it grabs.  I used the newset webgrab exe and ini with freshly made channels and provider xmls.  The only thing i edited in this example is the channel name from WBZ to CBS before i ran webgrab.
 <!-- WBZ  -->
 <channel update="i" site="" site_id="COUNTRY:canada,PROVIDER_ID:322141,CHANNEL_ID:97" xmltv_id="CBS">CBS</channel>
   <programme start="20170515183000 -0400" stop="20170515190000 -0400" channel="CBS">
    <title lang="en">CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley</title>
    <desc lang="en">A recap of the day's events with anchor Scott Pelley</desc>
    <category lang="en">newscast</category>
  <programme start="20170515190000 -0400" stop="20170515193000 -0400" channel="CBS">
    <title lang="en">Wheel of Fortune New</title>
    <desc lang="en">No Information Available</desc>
    <category lang="en">game show</category>
  <programme start="20170515193000 -0400" stop="20170515200000 -0400" channel="CBS">
    <title lang="en">Jeopardy! New</title>
    <desc lang="en">Three contestants compete for cash prizes in this popular quiz show, with the winner returning for the next match</desc>
    <category lang="en">game show</category>
  <programme start="20170515200000 -0400" stop="20170515203000 -0400" channel="CBS">
    <title lang="en">The Big Bang Theory (?)</title>
    <desc lang="en">No Information Available</desc>
  <programme start="20170515203000 -0400" stop="20170515210000 -0400" channel="CBS">
    <title lang="en">Man With a Plan New</title>
    <sub-title lang="en">Buzzer Beater</sub-title>
    <desc lang="en">In the season finale, Adam and Andi toy with having another baby when Don and Marcy's newborn grandson comes for a visit</desc>
      <actor>Diana Maria Riva</actor>
      <actor>Grace Kaufman</actor>
      <actor>Hala Finley</actor>
      <actor>Jessica Chaffin</actor>
      <actor>Kevin Nealon</actor>
      <actor>Liza Snyder</actor>
      <actor>Matt Cook</actor>
      <actor>Matt LeBlanc</actor>
      <actor>Matthew McCann</actor>
    <category lang="en">comedy</category>
    <category lang="en">sitcom</category>
    <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">0.21.</episode-num>
  <programme start="20170515210000 -0400" stop="20170515213000 -0400" channel="CBS">
    <title lang="en">The Big Bang Theory (?)</title>
    <desc lang="en">No Information Available</desc>

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Last seen: 2 months
Blackbear199 wrote:

you can try this ini.

the problem is for some shows the site returns a error page instead of the details page with the missing info you mentioned.

this ini uses a additional details page(different from the first) to get the missing infornation.

Thank you.  You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman :)  That seemed to fix all the description issues for premieres and i think the descriptions are a little better for non premieres too, but that may just be the placebo effect.   I did notice that any indication of a premiere, ie: "New", "*", or "(?)" is wiped now.  It would be handy if there is a way to keep the premiere tags, but if they must be sacrificed for the description scrubbing i understand.  I learn by comparing examples and when i have time i'll compare your changes to the ini and see what i can learn.  A small difference, but you also left out the small option for xml_tv vs onscreen.  Your ini works much better than the old one though as far as i can tell, and should be added to the default siteini.pack zip.

This is a custom TV Guide fork i made for Kodi.  The default tags in the kodi pvr are pretty minimal.   With a little rex and sed i managed to utilize quite a few tags, so thank you.



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Thanks. Regarding the onscreen vs xmltv_ns i merely meant that in the old ini it had the two statements for both options, incase noobs weren't aware.

*site {episodesystem=onscreen} *Enable for Onscreen Episode System
site {episodesystem=xmltv_ns} *Enable for xmltv_ns Episode System

The extra premiere lines in the ini worked as they were supposed to and created the premiere tag.  It's bool without a value so i had to get creative, but managed to get a working solution.  Kodi really only reads a few tags, namely the title, description, category, and for meta lookups uses xmltv_ns episode tags.  Onscreen tag will work with meta, but only to retrieve the title, not exact episode.  The addon i use converts the xmltv_ns tag to the "onscreen" episode format and appends it to the end of the title in my OSD.  I basically have to grab the guide listings, and then append everything to the description tag, then remove the old tags.  In Rex i tried using the 'premiere' tag to add whatever webgrab would add to my title but the log says the command doesn't exist anymore.  If there's a way in the ini to append a premiere tag (if applicable) to the program title it would save the 'star-rating' step below.  I figured out a way to be sneaky with a little rex.  At this point everything works great and is automated at about an hour and a half for 350 channels updated incamentally for 5 days.  The only reason i would want to change anything is for when i run webgrab via Kodi for cross platform compatability.

My bat file runs on a task sequence every morning in Windows 10.
1: Run webgrab with rex and grab enabled.  Rex is:
<desc>{'subtitle'   }{Episode: 'episode'  }{'productiondate' }{'aspect' }{'quality'}\n{'category( | )'.\n}{'description'\n}{\nDirector:'director( | )'  }{Producer:'producer( | )' }{Writer:'writer( | )'}{Actors:'actor( | )'}{\n'review'}</desc>

2: I clean and rename a few things in the xml.  1st i add a dummy premiere tag.
cscript "%utils%\replace.vbs" "%temp%\cleanthis.xmltv" "<premiere />" "<premiere /> <new /> <star-rating><value>*</value></star-rating>"

rename a few tags and add the subtitle to the title for specific shows and sports with sed.exe.
"%utils%\fnr.exe" --cl --dir "%temp%" --fileMask "cleanthis.xmltv" --find "(?)" --replace "*"
:a;N;$!ba;s/\(<programme[^<]*\)\(<t[^>]*>\)\(Saturday Night Live*[^<]*\)\(<[^<]*\)\(<sub-title[^>]*>\)\([^<]*\)[^<\/programme]*/\1\2\3: \6\4\5\6/g

3: I run a second webgrab with rex only to add the premiere and clean unessessary tags to decrease xml size.

4:  I then compress the xml to a tar and upload it to my server.  the end result is this.
  <programme start="20170526033400 +0000" stop="20170526043700 +0000" channel="NBC">
    <title lang="en">*The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: Jamie Foxx; Niall Horan</title>
    <desc lang="en">Jamie Foxx; Niall Horan   Episode: 3.147.  
Talk | Comedy.
Jamie Foxx. Also: Niall Horan performs and is interviewed
    <category lang="en">Talk</category>
    <category lang="en">Comedy</category>
    <icon src=""">" />
    <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">3.147.</episode-num>
    <premiere />
    <new />

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 7 years

Hi 'Blackbear199. 

This might be a noobish question, but here we go :)

I'm trying to add your file to a new webgrab running latest version, but im a bit confused to where I should put the file. 

I've tried putting it in

even tried in the root folder. Then remove the comment-star * from the auto_xml linies (all 4, country, zip code, provider id, channel)

Added this to my config : <channel update="f" site="" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>

and ./ - then I get this error : 

​update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 1 day(s)
(   1/1   ) YO.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=dummy) -- mode Smart
error downloading page: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed. (5sec)

Any help would be much appreciated :)

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