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Wrong program end date when a channel is not broadcasting

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Wrong program end date when a channel is not broadcasting

Became a member donator about a week ago. But I have a question.

On one of the children channels it is not broadcasting in the evening and night. Which causes the last program of the day to stretch from program start to the next program starting the next day.


<programme start="20211220173000 +0000" stop="20211221040000 +0000" channel="DR Ramasjang">
<title lang="da">Myremobberen</title>
<desc lang="da">Den 10-årige dreng Lucas bliver drillet af de andre børn, og lader sine frustrationer gå ud over myrerne i sin baghave. Det vil myrerne ikke finde sig i, og derfor går de til modangreb og forvandler Lucas til myrestørrelse med en trylledrik. Han bliver ført for tuens domstol, hvor han bliver dømt til et liv blandt insekterne. Nu skal han leve og tænke som en myre. Det er svært, men hurtigt får han andre ting at bekymre sig om, blandt andet store insekter, tudser og en skadedyrsbekæmper.(n)</desc>

Translated to human readable and UTC+1

Start: 20.12.2021 18.30
End: 21.12.2021 05.00
Duration: 10.5 hours

According to the program is only 1.5 hours.

Some times I want to record the last program because its a cartoon movie which the kids can finish seeing later.

Anyway to fix this?

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="10153" xmltv_id="DR Ramasjang">DR Ramasjang</channel>

$ pacman -Qs wg++
local/wg++ 3.2-2
WebGrab+Plus is a freeware (license via donation) multi-site incremental XMLTV EPG grabber.

$ pacman -Qs mono
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Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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a short explaination...
when webgrab has a start and stop time it gets it correct(it would put a end time of 1.5 hrs after start time in your example above).
when webgrab has no stop time it used the start time of the next program as the stop time,this explains why your seeing the result your getting.
this site does have a stop time but its not being used.
the reason for this is back when the ini was created the stop time of one show didnt match the start time of the next show(the stop time was later than the next show start time).
this make webgrab do a bunch of time correction to make the schedule make sense(yes webgrab can figure this out).
it makes a huge mess of you log file though filling it with a bunch of crap.
that being said you could ask mat8861 to enable the stop time again.
i checked the channel and from what i seen all the start/stop times are correct.
the original ini is from 2019.
maybe the site corrected this problem and the stop time can be used without causing issues.
just have to try it..

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Thanks Blackbear199, it makes sense. Sorry for my ignorance, but where do I PM mat8861?

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Had a look, the reason why it was disabled is because in some channels there are overlaps due to incorrect stop times, as you can see from log. Some other are attached version with stop

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Blackbear has posted a new revision available on github, that solve the problem

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Thanks, checked out revision d2c8d28. Removed guide.xml and ran wg++. However I still see long running programs.

<programme start="20211222184700 +0000" stop="20211223040000 +0000" channel="DR Ramasjang">
<title lang="da">Alvin og de frække jordegern</title>
<desc lang="da">Alvin, Simon og Theodore er måske nok rockstjerner, men de er også helt almindelige børn, der er nødt til at passe skolen og gå ud med skraldet! Sammen med pigerne fra The Chipettes gør de hver dag til en fest - og deres adoptivfar Dave sander hurtigt, at det kræver sin mand at have huset fyldt med syngende jordegern...(n)</desc>
<icon src="";amp;crop=faces&amp;amp;fit=crop&amp;amp;ixjsv=1.1.3&amp;amp;q=82&amp;amp;w=620&amp;amp;h=349&quot;%20class=&quot;o-image%20lazyautosizes%20lazyloaded""> />

It should stop at "20211222190000 +0000"

$ head -n2 siteini.pack/Denmark/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<site generator-info-name="WebGrab+Plus/w MDB &amp; REX Postprocess -- version V3.2.2.4 -- Jan van Straaten" site="">

Is there anything I can do to contribute to the code? Been working on open-source projects for more than 2 decades.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 hour

for me it's correct, it is as site shows the program. Guide.xml is UTC so add one hours and it match site tv schedule.
Why it should stop at 19.00?

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