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WebgrabPlus v5.1.4.0 TVPassport (09/03/2024) .ini Error

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WebgrabPlus v5.1.4.0 TVPassport (09/03/2024) .ini Error

TVPassport version 09/03/2024 flags an error message with WebgrabPlus v5.1.4.0. WebgrabPlus looks for tvpassport.ini instead of

I no longer have the error log, but in order to remedy the issue, I had to rename the file to tvpassport.ini. The previous file I had was released in 2022. The latest .ini version 2024 appears to trigger the error where it cannot locate the file because it is named differently in the configurator.

Is anyone aware of this issue?

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 hour

Not sure if you added the correct files from the correct ini. Most common error is rename the channels line in WebGrab++.config.xml instead of replacing them. Please make sure you did change accordingly.
Of course your WebGrab++.log.txt can tell us more

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