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Updated TVToday.ini (m.tvtoday.ini)

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Updated TVToday.ini (m.tvtoday.ini)

Dear All

Based on the valued work of Netuddki, I created an update revision / bug fix & extend version of m.tvtoday.ini with approx. +60% of recognition - ZIP attached


   - Bug Correction: wrong episode name recognition, if it contais a comma
   - Bug Correction: Added additional support for episode text format "Staffel ss, Folge ee/nn" (+60% recognition)
   - Bug correction: Show title was erased from subtitle, even if it's part of it
   - Compatibility: MinSWversion lowered to actually working version
   - Added Season / Episode info into description to select individual seasons in rec. schedules (Argus TV and/or Guide Enricher user)

Please report back issues and/or wishes in this thread.

Kind greetz from Switzerland - Chris

EDIT 2017-02-21: Updated attached ZIP: Changed MinSWVersion again; Rev-No. unchanged.
Please download again from this post!

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Blackbear199 wrote:

to use the pattern argument for season/episode(pattern="Staffel 'S1', Folge 'E1'") the min sw version needs to be 56.25.this also enabled one to switch from episodesystem=onscreen to xmltv_ns by simply changing it on the site {..} line.
but you should use V1.57(same as 56.29) as from about versions 56.15 to 56.28 there was a bug in the date calculations that cause no epg after 2 days of grabbing.

Hi Black, thanks for your hint!
But.. not completely correct. Am still running the 55.27 which runs the most perfect to me (including pattern). All later versions produced buggy outcome.
I nevertheless changed the MinSWVersion of the ZIP in Post one to 55.27 - but I kept same Rev Number
GReetz - Chris

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Just to be fair, I should mention that the ini is based on the deprecated tvtoday.ini. I just hacked that ini a bit :-)
I have no clue, whose work that was.[/quote]

:-) Ok, then that's Blackbear and myself I'm thanking, too :-D

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Another good example why we should use

That is one solid place to update files.With a nice history trace. So again to all, please use that instead of placing it just on the forum.

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Ini dont work anymore... can please somebody check... thanks smiley

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Blackbear199 wrote:

they made some changes to the mobile site..

Thank you, Bleackbear!

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well done @Blackbear199, thanks  yes

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Dear All
As the new m.tvtoday.ini only provides a forecast for 6 days, I uploaded a new TVToday.ini file (12 days) and explained the migration here:

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As far as correctness of the site ini , well done !!

Here just my personal consideration. Grabbing too many days even in incremental mode is not always a good idea. Grabbing 12/14 days vs 3 or 5 days for example reduce the time of the grab, space on hard disks / memory, speed up the device that loads epg, also many times shows changes and you do not get the correct ones. Moreover are we really interested in a show that is going to take place in 2 weeks or so ?  Like I said , just a consideration.

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Hey matt!
Of course you're right. It's just an option, everyone can adjust this in his/her config.
Actually I'm using 2 weeks ahead.
Moreover the information provided in the "desktop site" contains also more infos - which actually makes sense...
Have to fix some errors though.
And in m.tvtoday.ini, too - episode names are incorrectly recognized.
Greetz - Chris

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Blackbear199 wrote:

they add more info to the mobile site(as christoph pointed out).its pretty much the same details as the full site now with the only big difference being the number of days available.

i also gave the full site a go...

Hmmm am just running the Tests for my TVToday.ini
They changed the structure for both, TV shows & movies, they're DIFFERENT now... is this considered? That's why I deleted my upload and my GIT pull request two days ago. You get EITHER the description of Serie's shows OR description of movies in that version - not both
My new ini covers both... but took a time
But still the test run is ongoing...

If NOT, delete your att. of TVToday pls

And PS: do you have downloading issues like I still have? There's still a deep minor bug inside... (it just cancels ONE show, if it occurs)

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Hi guys :-)

First of all thank you for all your hard work. I benefit a lot of your work especially at the german-language ini's.

Until this point i just read and consumed all the stuff but at this point i think i have to report an issue regarding m.tvtoday ini.
The last time i changed my ini was the time when the site_id's changed from upper case to lower case (thx blackbear99 for this hint).

Worked absolutely fine, until now ... i think until yesterday.
Unfortunately now i'm experiencing errors on every m.tvtoday - grabbed EPG:

[  Info  ] (  11/127 ) M.TVTODAY.DE -- chan. (xmltv_id=Servus TV) -- mode Incremental
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 05:10:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 06:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 06:50:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 07:35:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 08:30:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 09:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 09:30:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 10:23:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 10:25:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 11:25:00

Every single channel results in similar log-outputs. It seems to still recognize show-timestamps but nothing else anymore?

I'l also attach the ini i'm using atm and a log.
Could somebody kindly have a look at it? thank you very much guys and have a nice rest of the weekend :-)

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Could you try just this channel (Servus TV) with TVToday.ini?
Do you have the same error messages using it?
If so, it could help in investigating

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Christoph21x wrote:

Could you try just this channel (Servus TV) with TVToday.ini?
Do you have the same error messages using it?
If so, it could help in investigating

Hi and thanks a lot for your reply :-)

The same channel seems to grab absolutely fine using The tvtoday ini you posted here
i haven't yet tried the resulting epg.xml with my TVHeadend Server but i could do this within half an hour or so ...

So as it seems to work absolutely fine,  i should switch to again, right?

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hi when i use m.tvtoday.ini i am getting the same problem


[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 05:10:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 06:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 06:50:00

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suzi wrote:

hi when i use m.tvtoday.ini i am getting the same problem

[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 05:10:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 06:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 01/10/2017 06:50:00

Will have a look at it today. Can you tell me, which channel it was?
And could you provide errors in the future, pls? I can't test on scraping the past...

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hi channels errors

[  Info  ] ( 485/680 ) M.TVTODAY.DE -- chan. (xmltv_id=384 - GER:Sky Sport 1 SD) -- mode Incremental
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 05:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 06:00:00

    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="hdspo" xmltv_id="384 - GER:Sky Sport 1 SD">384 - GER:Sky Sport 1 SD</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="shd2" xmltv_id="385 - GER:Sky Sport 2 SD">385 - GER:Sky Sport 2 SD</channel>

[  Info  ] ( 486/680 ) M.TVTODAY.DE -- chan. (xmltv_id=385 - GER:Sky Sport 2 SD) -- mode Incremental
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 06:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 09:00:00

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Hi Suzi
That's also in the past... need 03/10/2017 or later to test

suzi wrote:

hi channels errors

[  Info  ] ( 485/680 ) M.TVTODAY.DE -- chan. (xmltv_id=384 - GER:Sky Sport 1 SD) -- mode Incremental
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 05:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 06:00:00

    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="hdspo" xmltv_id="384 - GER:Sky Sport 1 SD">384 - GER:Sky Sport 1 SD</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="" site_id="shd2" xmltv_id="385 - GER:Sky Sport 2 SD">385 - GER:Sky Sport 2 SD</channel>

[  Info  ] ( 486/680 ) M.TVTODAY.DE -- chan. (xmltv_id=385 - GER:Sky Sport 2 SD) -- mode Incremental
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 06:00:00
[  Debug ]    skipped show without a title at 02/10/2017 09:00:00

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hello thank you blackbear works great

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Blackbear199 wrote:

they changed the index_title.scrub(for all channels from what i see) from h3 to span..

the correct scrub is now...

index_title.scrub {single|<span class="tv-tip-heading">||</span>|</span>}


Works great! Thank you very much :)

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Hi guys :)

Unfortunately i encountered re-appearing errors on using the as far as i know most recent *.ini.
I'll attach the ini i'm using atm.

The errors don't appear at every single channel, just on some ... probably about 20% of the ones i'm grabbing.
They all look like:

Unable to update channel KiKA
See log file for details
Exception.Message: Sequence contains no elements
Exception.StackTrace:   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x00010] in <521f3fe476f34ea88748e97b3b984d05>:0
  at WGconsole.Program.LogSpecial (WGconsole.Show show, System.String text, System.TimeSpan m_timePerUpdate) [0x00110] in <7fc5d76979374a05ad2db534f70a5f2a>:0
  at WGconsole.Program.UpdateChannel (System.String strIndex, WGconsole.ChannelToUpdate Chan, WGconsole.XmlTarget xTarget) [0x043ea] in <7fc5d76979374a05ad2db534f70a5f2a>:0
  at WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication (System.String[] args) [0x015e6] in <7fc5d76979374a05ad2db534f70a5f2a>:0
Existing guide data restored!

Could somebody kindly have a look at it?

Thank you very much in advance


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Netuddki wrote:

Use the latest ini from the EPG channel list

Thanks for that hint.
I thought the german inis on main site were outdated and didn't even look for them ...
I should have ... the ini from main site is working great.

Thank you for advice yes

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@Netuddki: Can you please look into my issue here:

Or please point me to the newest mobile tvtoday ini?
Currently i am using the attached one (ill think its from the webgrab++ homepage).



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just use the latest one from latest Siteini-pack:

Works fine for me in combination with latest Webgrab+. Just to be sure i'll attach the *.ini i'm using atm

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thx a lot for the info/files

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