I'm right in the middle of my first installation of webgrab+plus and do need some help with the first installation steps.
I found the docker-container by linuxserver.io for unraid and tried to get it up and running... No luck...
I do have mapped two paths (/data and /config) with the configuration-files (samples not edited, just added my license). While pulling the container it fails with the following error:
"Error: failed to register layer: open /defaults/ini/siteini.pack/International/sat.tv.channels.13�E-Arabesque.xml: invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character"
As this is an error within the image - at least I think so - I contacted linuxserver.io on github but no answer.
If there is no answer this is typically a sign of the user being too stupid... but I don't know what to do. Is it that I don't see the forest because of the trees?
Any hint about what to do is deeply appreciated!
Kind regards,
Depends what that character is. It would be good if you can post you configuration (hide license data) and webgrab log so we can check and test your configuration. Sometime it could be because you do not have your locales (the computer specific language) with that character example i use arabic character but my pc is set to english.
My configuration is nearly untouched as I would like to get the configuration done with this container.
After pulling the images the process stalls with the shown error (container.png).
As there is no container running, there is no log of this container and no webgrab-log.
Yes, my PC is set to English - haven't used arabic before.
If it is the configuration within the image, which way do I get rid of all the stuff I don't need...?
I see now what the problem could be, see attached photo, will rename the file and should work. It's not a problem with locales.
For your config you can rename the file ready for use (just add channels and license) here: https://github.com/SilentButeo2/webgrabplus-siteinipack/blob/master/site...
or you can copy paste into your.
How do I get to this file? I don't know that much about docker but is it that I can change anything within the image if the container isn't running? Which way do I get access to the container and this /defaults/ini/...-folder?
I am also not familiar with docker, but basically simulate a linux computer. It looks like it run a script that downloads the latest siteini.pack but it fails due to that strange character. The solution is wait for tomorrow, as siteini.pack is zipped everyday so tomorrow since i removed those files should work. Second option is to find the script and remove the line that downloads the siteini.pack and install it manually.
I think you trying to update ? if so it may work also without update so bypass (do it tomorrow)
Update the image:
docker pull lscr.io/linuxserver/webgrabplus:latest
Thank you for your help!!
I will try again tomorrow.
If it works, let me know how to get you a nice cold beer :-)
reading the conversation i'm not sure what to think.
the error surely indicates its as issue with the special character in the filename.
but why does the os have no problem with it?
there are some characters not allowed in filenames but not sure what they are...
Until now I wasn't successful in getting the docker container up - still the same error.
I think the maintainer of this container has to be active to include the new files with his container.
I have to wait and see...
Is there another way to get webgrab to my server? Do I have to set up a linux-VM?
Can you try again ? if they get siteini pack from here: http://www.webgrabplus.com/node/231 it should be ok.
It's still not possible - same error.
As much as I understand docker it is the creator of the container that has to update the files for his container/images. This has been done nearly one week ago. The changed name is not part of the container - at least until now.
I was hoping it was grabbed from the main page. I really have no idea how the container works and if it is possible to manually install/update. May be you could write to the author in contact, i can't remember who was the docker maintener, but Jan can probably contact him to see what's going on.
I just saw that the docker-container has been updated some hours ago. I tried the new one and the docker-container is up and running.
Now it is configuration-time.
Thank you!
That's great news!! Enjoy
Too happy, too early...
I don't know if I'm just missing some kind of intelligence etc. This docker can be pulled but I cannot use weggrab because of missing dotnet...
The docker-page showed what to do to get cron and I did the same for code-server and code-server-dotnet. As there still is no /usr/local/bin/dotnet I cannot run the webgrab-script. The docker-page isn't saying anything about dotnet.
I'm reaching a point where I have to say that this container is way too much headache to get it working. At least I would ask for a proper howto at the github-page.
To get help I looked at the discord-server but there is no app "webgrabplus" to ask anyone.
Just to stay polite - I'm so fed up with this container
As I haven't found another docker-container what is the best way to use webgrabplus? Debian-VM?
That is strange at the end of the page https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/webgrabplus I see dotnet has been updated to v8.0 on 24 april. Additionally i see also an old problem solved (set mac address to 00) that was causing license problem at reload.
May be you missed some steps? Anyway any linux works fine. I do have a small server that run webgrab on ubuntu, a vps would also be fine.