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UNABLE to donate, PayPal says: "Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country"

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UNABLE to donate, PayPal says: "Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country"

How do I donate?

Finally decided to donate and then realized that PayPal blocked donations from my country perhaps? (Country is Serbia).

I got the "Donation Done" message from WebGrab at the end but I don't want to be a d*** and possibly get access to all Site.ini's for free even if I haven't paid. But, if I haven't sent any money I won't get Donators access obviously but still.

So, how do I donate now and how do I get access to Donators area?

I searched Forum, no one has this problem so far.

Can someone from WebGrab team help me? (Mods, Admins, even the owner(s), anyone)

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
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I think some country block send money to friend,family member,etc etc but i think you can still do a paypal payment like for a service.....or you can contact the autors to see if there is an alternative.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 1 year

I have this problem also. Trying to donate using paypal from thailand and get the same message.

Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 3 months
jontidy wrote:

I have this problem also. Trying to donate using paypal from thailand and get the same message.

As mat said and helped me, just do a standard PayPal payment to same address used for donation and net leave a note with your WebGrab username and Email. It won't hurt to send Email to support as well and your license will get actived in no time.

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 3 years

yes i do

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