You are here bug causes erratic time zone results

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Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 6 years bug causes erratic time zone results

Changing the site ini does not give the expected result in the XML output.

This is on a fresh install.

ini  time set                         XML output time

-5                                            -4

-4                                            -3

-3                                            -3

-2                                            -2

-1                                            0

+0 or -0                                 +1

+1                                           +2

+2                                           +3

+3                                           +4

+4                                           +4

+5                                           +5

I have added some examples of the input data and output in the attachment.

francis's picture
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Why would you change the timezone?

And if you use


Does that give you the correct result?

Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 6 years


gives  "+0100"

I need to get "-0100"

Is this specific problem to me or are you getting the same results?

I can replicate the issue on other machines.

  <programme start="20150604090000 +0100" stop="20150604100000 +0100" channel="BT Sport 1 HD">
    <title lang="en">England v Mexico</title>
    <desc lang="en">England face Mexico in their penultimate Group B game at the prestigious Toulon Tournament Aidy Boothroyd's side have four points after drawing to Morocco and beating Ivory Coast(n)</desc>
    <category lang="en">Sports</category>
    <category lang="en">Football</category>
    <episode-num system="onscreen">PPP</episode-num>

francis's picture
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Well, I don't think you know how UTC time offsets are defined.

London is running 1 hour ahead of the UTC time.

When you write a time with an UTC offset, you append the offset to the UTC time. So for London is that currently +0100.

If you want to know what time this is in UTC time, you have to do,

local time - UTC offset

So for the example you gave, this would be:

09:00 - (+01:00) = 08:00 UTC time

Hope this helps you with your problem.

I know UTC offsets can sometimes be confusing. (Wait until you discover DST wink)

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Your right I don't understand the time zones.

I would appreciate you help clarify the issue by answering a few questions.

1)  Why when I enter UTC+00:00 or UTC-00:00  does the XML output +01:00

2) Why does entering UTC+03:00 or UTC+04:00 return the XML output +04:00

3)  Why does entering UTC-01:00  return the XML output +00:00 but entering UTC-02:00 return the XML output -02:00

Thanks in advance.

francis's picture
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Well, that I don't know.

But I think that the DST has something to do with it.

But because the old version eg. timezone=UTC+00:00 could not be correctly used with DST, the code now supports timezone names. Like


So from now on, that is the way to go. So you should not try to understand the above. (I know, in the past, the utc offsets were commonly used/adjusted)

But besides that, changing the utc offset, should give stable output, and not what you see.

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