You are here has been very slow lately with more errors

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Webgrab++ V3.0.1.0 
Linux Mint 19.3
Mono version
Seems like over the last weeks (maybe last month), has been pretty funky. Not sure if its a coincidence, but it seems like if i run WG++ between 8pm - 6am (US Central time) i get more of the slowness and "error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (60sec)" errors. 
Last night, I tried running a WG config with only 7 channels in it.  It took 35 mintues to grab 7 days worth of guide.  I know i was told the TVGuide ini is a bit outdated (it was last updated about 3 years ago).
Is it possible TVGuide changed their site that requires something to be updated in the ini?
I know TVPassport works well, but it's missing SxxExx information.  I also know works, but is missing SxxExx on first-run shows. 
TVGuide is the only US guide that has SxxExx that seems to be working. If anyone has suggestions about modifying the TVGuide.ini or trying a different ini, please let me know.
I'm uploading my TVGuide.ini, WGLog, and config (I've taken out my license key and encryption keys) 

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I is soooooo slow!

Im getting about the same 10 minutes per channel.......

Cant be right.

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Uthall wrote:

I is soooooo slow!
Im getting about the same 10 minutes per channel.......
Cant be right.

Not sure what time you run it, but for some weird reason when I run it around now or in the next 10 hours, seems to run better. Could be a coincidence though.

Did you install the newest beta also?

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Last seen: 3 weeks

still slow right now.

Newest beta.......donators section?

Edit: nothing in donators......can you point me to the beta please?

edit edit: oh i get it, beta of webgrab......gotit!

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It's back.... is really slow right now.  Things seemed to fix itself after I installed the latest beta. But its back to being insanely slow.
My original Post  has the correct versions for everything except for Webgrab++ as now i use the latest beta (3.0.2)
Webgrab++ V3.0.1.0
Linux Mint 19.3
Mono version
So its going slow as molasses.  I'm uploading my log and config.  The first 3 channels in the config are TVPassport channels (those went fast).  It's taken almost an hour to grab the next 6 channels and those are from  Any help would be appreciated.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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it could be slower(depends on site).
I can tell u tvpassport is fast as i know its all index page.
other sites may be slower as they have details page or even sub detail page. has both so for every show its needs read 2 additional pages.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

it could be slower(depends on site).
I can tell u tvpassport is fast as i know its all index page.
other sites may be slower as they have details page or even sub detail page. has both so for every show its needs read 2 additional pages.

I understand and i can deal with it being a little slower than TVPassport. I really like the SxxExx info and TVPassport is missing that.
What do you think could have caused weeks of being just fine, then all of a sudden its crawling. I know the ini is from 2017, is it possible it needs updating?

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Blackbear199 wrote:

it could be slower(depends on site).
I can tell u tvpassport is fast as i know its all index page.
other sites may be slower as they have details page or even sub detail page. has both so for every show its needs read 2 additional pages.

I understand and i can deal with it being a little slower than TVPassport. I really like the SxxExx info and TVPassport is missing that.
What do you think could have caused weeks of being just fine, then all of a sudden its crawling. I know the ini is from 2017, is it possible it needs updating?

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Don't know how, but i accidentally fixed it. I'm sure its in the FAQs or mentioned the forum threads somewhere, but i deleted the robot files ( produces 2). Then i ran it and its back to normal. That wasn't what i thought was going to fix it, i was going to turn on my VPN to see if TVGuide is blocking my IP or something.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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well not sure what u did but can tell u this..
the robot.txt file is done once(unless something changes).
it checked everytime but only updated if something changes)

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This is strange, deleting the robots files worked for me too.........

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Blackbear199 wrote:

well not sure what u did but can tell u this..
the robot.txt file is done once(unless something changes).
it checked everytime but only updated if something changes)

Ok, is going slow again, and i believe it's Linux related. As I've posted, i'm running Linux Mint 19.3 (latest mono).
Here's my user-agent line:
<user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/80.0.3987.149 Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36</user-agent>
I believe its related to Linux because after trying many things (including deleting robot files, rebooting) I ran Webgrab++ on my Windows 10 laptop grabbing the same 5 channels and it handled it no problem.
Just to give you an idea, these 5 Alaska channels finish in about 2 minutes everyday when its working.  30 minutes has passed and its grabbed 2 channel's guide and is on a 3rd one.
I've posted logs earlier in the thread, what's happening is I'm getting for every channel.
( 3/5 ) TVGUIDE.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=KTVF) -- mode Incremental
error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (60sec)Retry 1 of 4 times
!! -- WARNING : doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list
error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (60sec)
Retry 1 of 4 times
error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (120sec)
Retry 2 of 4 times

error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (60sec)
Retry 1 of 4 times
error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (120sec)
Retry 2 of 4 times
error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (60sec)

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I mentioned in another post (Zap2it.ini update) that I felt like i fixed my problem with TVGuide starting to have extremely slow grabs, but not sure if I figured out a solution. I opened the TVGuide website and there was a notification pop-up box. I cleared and it started working for a bit at normal speed.  But now it slowed down again.
While its going at a snail's pace on my Linux Mint server, I can run a TVGuide grab on my Windows laptop with no issues. Any Linux users able to chime in? Does the need updating? The last update is of the was about 3 years ago. Is there a setting on my Linux's Chrome browser that i can check?

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