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TvGuide USA has stopped working

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TvGuide USA has stopped working


Sometime in the past several days my guide has stopped updating. I just noticed it today, and I am down to about 3 days of EPG left. (Normally download 15 days of data.)

I have been running v 3.1 of WebGrab+ for the past couple of years without a problem.

Today I upgraded to v3.3 to see if it would resolve the issue, but it did not.

Attached zip file contains:
guide.xml - The results of running WebGrab
guide_lastWithData.xml - The results of the last time it ran and contained any show data. (I think it was already broke, but was leaving the already-downloaded show data in the file.) - my channels list
WebGrad++.config.xml - configuration file (it's been working for 2 years.)
WebGrab++.log.txt - log file after upgrade to v 3.3
WebGrab++.log-prior to v3.3 upgrade.txt - last log prior to upgrading to v 3.3

I am running Windows 8.1 Pro
The website is currently functional, with shows going out to April 4. (OTA channels.)

Any suggestions/insights/fixes?


Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 4 min

plse do a siteini.pack update.
it weas updated days ago.

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 2 months

That did the trick, thank you so much! You are (always) awesome with your responsiveness when they break their site!

Just one more question please...
In the old version of the tvguide.ini file, there was a "keepindexpage" option. Is this still a valid setting, since I use a single provider?

Thanks again!!

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 4 min

cannot use keepindexpage
the old ini got epg for all channel per day.
new one gets 1 channel at a time.
theoritically its faster as unless your grabbing epg for every channel the provider has your wasting time processing data your not going to use.
you should see a pretty good speed increase with new ini.

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