You are here site ini created, help needed

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Last seen: 7 years site ini created, help needed

please little help needed to finish this ini creation!

can't  grab the start times at all:

sometimes de start time on same show comes in form of:


<ul id="diasHorarios">
                <span class="nombre">Cinemax DTH</span>
                <div class="horarios">Lunes 23 de Noviembre | 00:58 hs.<br /></div>
                <span class="nombre">Cinemax DTH</span>
                <div class="horarios">Martes 24 de Noviembre | 19:25 hs.<br /></div>
                <span class="nombre">Cinemax DTH</span>
                <div class="horarios">Lunes 30 de Noviembre | 13:58 hs.<br /></div>
                <span class="nombre">Cinemax DTH</span>
                <div class="horarios">Lunes 07 de Diciembre | 02:00 hs.<br /></div>


or same day with different hours.

everything else works smoothly even the spantime!

just 1 step ahead from site ini creation...

francis's picture
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The main problem was that there was a | inside the html. And then you need to be carefull. This has to do with the fact that wg++ internally uses | to split strings into a string array. So if you can, just avoid using | in your scrub/modify.

I adjusted your siteini a little bit.

- correct timezone

- better showsplit

- working time grabbing

francis's picture
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One thing I've missed is you must use


instead of

Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 7 years

Hi Francis

thanks for the help

start times got recognized by the grabber but still output has some errors:

start times are more database oriented rather than chronological
per ex: channel:'DXTV HD' 'Supercampeones' show has multiple entries for several days of the week
and the "resultadoFicha" for those 'multiple day/hour shows' links to same ID, since there is no stop times final result skips many upcoming shows if any of them has more than 1 ocurrence.
Some shows include duration some others not so establishing a stop time by calc is not an option,
I've found indexshowdetails page (Ficha=3721.txt) has more detailed start times

unluckly have no idea how to manipulate those multiple entries (Webgrab newB here)

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