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Task Scheduler Windows

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Task Scheduler Windows

hay there

Hello everyone, I want to create a command in Task Scheduler Windows that will perform the run configuration operation for me twice a week automatically in order for the broadcast schedule to be updated. I wanted to know how I create this task automatically on my computer and what is the name of the command that I enter in order for the run configuration process to be performed by itself. Thanks for the help

i add a picture that show which command i want create automaticlly
thanks for help

Blackbear199's picture
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hay again
i try the command i get an eror the procces not start
but when i push on run run configuration manually all start ok
what could be the problem
a add 2 pictures the first is that show an eror when sceddule run it automaticaly
and seconde picture that shown proceed ok when i do it manually
i wait for your help
thank you

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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send this to jan(creator) via email via contact us tab.

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udilizi wrote:

hay again
i try the command i get an eror the procces not start
but when i push on run run configuration manually all start ok
what could be the problem
a add 2 pictures the first is that show an eror when sceddule run it automaticaly
and seconde picture that shown proceed ok when i do it manually
i wait for your help
thank you

try the example config rename it and add license and few channels, see if it works

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still not work only manually if i push on webgrab++
start configuration from task scheduler

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i really not understand if i go inside manually to webgrab++ config maker and push on run configurqtion all is ok
But if i push on command schedule i receive eror what is the differenc between that 2 operations?
and how i can find the command to run from schedule run configuration?
Thanks for helping

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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i just tried adding a basic task as per the first link above and webgrab did not run for me.
i changed the action options to this.

*****the quotes are important!,they need to be there.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\WebGrab+Plus.exe"

it worked after that on scheduled start.

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Hay again so now i delete the program and install webgrab again now it is look ok and command open me the webgrab ok but i gave question
If i go inside config maker and push run configuration is the same command as
C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\WebGrab+Plus.exe"
Because when i push run configuration it start the process to download the broadcast shecdel but when i run the command
C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\WebGrab+Plus.exe"
It is only open the window and write me job finish why is that different?
I add 2 pictures to show you the different
Thank you for helping
And wait for your response

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 14 min

the syntax to run webgrab is..
/path/to/webgrab/exe /path/to/wg/config/folder
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\WebGrab+Plus.exe" "%LOCALAPPDATA%\WebGrab+Plus"
these need to be in qoutes because the path may have spaces in the directory name like Program Files (x86)

also configmaker was provided by a user,its not a offically supported program as we didnt create it.
so any questions about it you should be asking in the post where you downloaded it from for the creator to answer.

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