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ankont's picture
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Hello! I have finally found some time to review the ini files for Greek channels and I am trying to port the old file to the new format.

In this site though, there are 2 html loaded for details, the first one through a pop-up with a "More..." link with all the information. So, I used the subdetails_* elements to grab these.

However, I found out (after a lot of debugging) that the final xml doesn't use the subdetails elements when there are also simple elements (and I am talking about 'subtitle' specifically which exists also in the pop-up). Every change I make to 'subdetails_subtitle' is not in the final xml. Do you have any idea as to why is this happening? (I have v. 57, downloaded it just yesterday...)

francis's picture
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Are you sure the subdetail is called? Maybe it only calls the detail stuff and never calls the subdetail ones.

Add some debug lines, to see where you end.

Or upload your current testing siteini. (will have a look)

ankont's picture
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I found out about it with the debug lines... like this:

[  Debug ] Element:  SUBDETAIL_SUBTITLE
[  Debug ] Modify
[  Debug ]      command & arguments : remove(debug )
[  Debug ]      Expression-1            : - Επ. 'subdetail_temp_4'
[  Debug ]      Element value before operation:
[  Debug ] Τέχνες & Γράμματα - Επ. 7
[  Debug ]      String composer result for Expression-1 :
[  Debug ]      Expression-1 expanded   : - Επ. 7
[  Debug ]      Element value after operation:
[  Debug ] Τέχνες & Γράμματα

Final output:

Τέχνες & Γράμματα - Επ. 7 (Ε)

And the (Ε) sign which means rerun is correctly assigned to xml <previously-shown /> tag.

See the ini-file if you want... It is rather complicated though (maybe that's why it doesn't work), I try to implement some advanced stuff in grabbing season numbers and episodes.

ankont's picture
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Didn't know about them (and these lines I had made are rather old, I had created them for long before this site even existed), I will check it later! ;-)

ankont's picture
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Now that I think about it, I don't know if it can be used, since Nova just puts a number in the end of the show's title for season information (really annoying actually, since, for example, every new season is a new show when you want to record). But I'll think it more...

ankont's picture
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Hello from here, about the pattern attribute, is episode part supported also (as, for example, Episode 'E1' - Part 'P1')? I don't find the info in the documentation...

And as we speak about patterns, I don't think the format XMLTV attribute for actor works in me in the command below (in another ini-file I've made... -, attached). I always get the actors and the role in parentheses in the elements text!

actor.format {xmltv|"actor (role)"}
ankont's picture
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Yes, I know it's from the site... ;-)

OK, I'll leave it then and wait for a new version to start working 8-)

As for the part, it is when an episode is split in 2-3 parts (as in "to be continued...") and it is the third number in xmltv_ns format... I will try and see...



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