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Some channels do not show any EPG data with channels

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Some channels do not show any EPG data with channels

I am running version 3.3 on a Windows 11 PC.
I have 3 site.ini files running. no issues with two of them.

There seem to be a consistent behavior with some channels with the channels.
Some of the channels keep pulling all new shows every time I run the grab, but no EPG data is actually provided.
here is an example from the log file:

[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 224/359 ) HOT.NET.IL -- chan. (xmltv_id=HOT לולי) -- mode Incremental
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Summary for update of HOT לולי
[ Info ] missing shows added 0
[ Info ] changed shows updated 0
[ Info ] new shows added 80
[ Info ] unchanged shows inspected 0
[ Info ] total after update 80

all channels from this ini file that show all new shows added every time I run the grab do not show any EPG data in players.
Is this a known problem? is there a fix available for this issue?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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my isreal vpn isnt working so i cant check the data.
how often are you running the update,daily?

looking at your log i dont think there anything wrong with the ini as other channels look to be fine,they have corrections and new shows added.

again i cannot check because of my vpn but my guess is these channels only have 1 day or so epg so everytime it updates the current epg is expired so everything it grabs is all new epg.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
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Hi runned fresh channel list see
if you still have problem please post again.

Joined: 2 years
Last seen: 1 hour

I am running off a fresh copy of the channels list. I also tried running with force option to recreate the output, but same issue.
An example of one channel that is having this issue, for example, is: site="" site_id="510"
I also tried running it from another windows pc, running windows 10 and with the latest beta 5.0.1 version and only pulling from that site, just 5 channels. same issue. The channel does not show the listing, even though looking in the XML output it does have shows in it, that are in the past, and not current and onwards. Using Tivimate I was able to go back on the EPG and see that content.

are you familiar with this issue?

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