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[SOLVED] New ini Fox Spain and Fox Crime Spain

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[SOLVED] New ini Fox Spain and Fox Crime Spain

Hi, here is my little contribution,  two ini files for Fox TV and Fox Crime TV in Spain. The problem is that sometimes i get some trash in the descriptions and i don't know how to solve it.
Regards :)

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Great to see people creation new siteini's. And I must say, yours worked out of the box (except the problem you stated)
I've merged your 2 .ini's into 1 file (easier to maintain). Because both are about the fox channel. So I've added a .channels.xml file.
I also fixed some minor errors in the .ini and have fixed your problem with the trash in the description.
You can find your contribution at
Again thanks for your contribution!
Maybe some feedback on the minor fixes:

index_title.scrub {single (separator=": " include=first)|<a class="TitleShowDaily"|<h1>|</h1>|}

I removed

separator=": "

because NCIS: Los Ángeles should not be reduced to NCIS.

index_episode.modify {calculate(notnull)|1 -}

Here you want to extract 1 form index_episode, only if it contains something. I don't know the exact details (@Jan?), but this does not work as one should think.
So replace it with

index_episode.modify {calculate('index_episode' not="" format=F0)|1 -}


index_episode.modify {remove|.00}

I think you got for example for the episode info. And that you then remove the .00 with this line?
if you use


(see 2), then you get directly the correct outup.
On my system ( a comma is used as decimal separator ) the output of the episode looked like:


So your remove of .00 did not work.

description.modify {cleanup(tags="<"">")} * remove any html tags

This is the trick you can use, if you have html tags (with attributes) left in some element. In this case the description. All text between < and > is removed
And again THANKS

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 4 years

Ok francis, thanks for your fixes. 
The reason because i want to extract one to the season and episode number is to satisfy the xmltv.dtd. Exactly this rules, regarding the episode-num, are really clear:

xmltv_ns: This is intended to be a general way to number episodes and parts of multi-part episodes.  It is three numbers separated by dots, the first is the series or season, the second the episode number within that series, and the third the part number, if the programme is part of a two-parter.  All these numbers are indexed from zero, and they can be given in the form 'X/Y' to show series X out of Y series made, or episode X out of Y episodes in this series, or part X of a Y-part episode.  If any of these aren't known they can be omitted. You can put spaces whereever you like to make things easier to read.

And then there's an example:


The first episode of the second series is '1.0.0/1' .  If it were a two-part episode, then the first half would be '1.0.0/2' and the second half '1.0.1/2'.  

And DVBLink (the software i use for live TV) use this field based on this rule.
Thanks again for your corrections and your help.
Regards :)

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