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[SOLVED] mü (Hungary) issue: guide.xml created incorrectly.

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[SOLVED] mü (Hungary) issue: guide.xml created incorrectly.

Error occurs: please see guide.xml 202501141000 and subsequent grabbs (could be an ini issue?)

This error does not occur by grabbing of "mü"

Sorry wrong topic! Could you delete it please?

Blackbear199's picture
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try this ini,its one i have.
it looks ok.

Updated 24 Dec 2023

Blackbear199's picture
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Hi, the correct guidemdb is created with the new ini. The attached log file:Webrab++.log shows that error messages are still generated during the process.

files removed,you didnt remove your user info from your webgrab config.

Blackbear199's picture
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the skipped last show msg?
this is normal as the site only has a start time available so for the last show webgrab doesnt know when it ends so it skips it.
for previous shows it uses the next show start time as a end time.

Blackbear199's picture
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Attached is a screenshot of the process including the error message that does not appear in the log.
It seems that the error message appears as often as the number of days queried was specified in the config file. Example :
Number of query days 1 Number of error messages: 1
Number of query days 2 Number of error messages: 2

files removed,you didnt remove your user info from your webgrab config.

Blackbear199's picture
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it looks like you need to increase the show-delay.
this site will temp ban your ip if you grab data too quickly.
for me the existing settings work fine(i dont get ip block).
edit the ini and on the site {xxx} line change the show-delay="2" to show-delay="3"

also in your rex setting for DarstellerInnen:
your adding a > at the end,not sure if this was intentional but to me it shouldnt be there?

Blackbear199's picture
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i removed your attachments from your posts.
you didnt remove your user info from your webgrab config.

not sure why but it changed the posts from your userrname to mine(except for your first post).
something funky with the forums i guess as it never did this before when editing a users post.

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Many thanks for your help. Unfortunately the same error message is still there. I have changed show-delay="2" to 3 and then to 4 and so tested it.

Blackbear199's picture
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can you translate what the error was.
all i remember it was regarding port 443.

i just tried it again and got the error your refering to.

error downloading page: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (

this looks like a random server error and there nothing that can be done(other than what you already tried).
there a few other sites that are like this also.

Blackbear199's picture
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updated the files above.

* @Revision 17 - [24/12/2023] Blackbear199
* details title fix for random index_urlshow failures
* change start time to UTC

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I'm very sorry but the error message is also present with revision 17. And not only with the tested transmitter. I have tested 4 more transmitters, the same error message is present (server problem?)

Blackbear199's picture
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revision 17 wont fix the error,it fixes (?) being added to the title and the title mismatch message in log file thats caused by the site not returning good page data.

there is no way to fix the error as its a random failure of the server to respond.
i can run the same channel and no errors,run it again and error.

use a different ini is only option.

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Thanks for the tip with the different ini. I will try it out and if I succeed eliminating the error message, I will let you know.

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I just donated to the project and waiting for the license.

Until that I want to try it, but for some reason I can't get it to work.

1. Original
no changes, no update necessary !
2. Modified
( 3/20 ) MUSOR.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=RTL (HD) (RTL Klub)) -- mode Force
no shows in indexpage!

Summary for update of RTL (HD) (RTL Klub)
no changes, no update necessary !
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 0

The same.

Why It doesn't grab any channels? Why the updated Blackbears's ini. is not included in the latest release?


Blackbear199's picture
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first you need to add your username,email and password to your webgrab config.
from your log..

scroll to the bottom of forums and in the right corner click on My Account,you will see the password(passcode) you use on your lisence dont use your forums password.

in your webgrab config remove the <!-- and --> from the beginning and ending of your license line.
anything in between these are comments and ignored.

you can also check your license log which should be in your webgrab config directory.

your getting no epg because you happen to be try at a bad time of the day.
the ini uses UTC time.
the ini does not get the shows from before 'now'(shows that already aired) for today(maybe not even the currently playing show,i forget).
so for today there may not be any future shows.
increase your timespan(number of days epg your grabbing) or dont run webgrab just before midnight UTC it at or anytime after midnight UTC time.

i am UTC -0400 which as of this message is a few minutes before midnight UTC time.
i tried dunya channel and got no shows(same result you did)
its now midnight UTC and i tried it again and got epg.

not sure why the file never made it to the sieini.pack
another member does updates that,i only send him the files to add.
sometimes it gets missed.

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Thank you very much, you were right, it was a midnight problem. The license was activated in the morning.

Now it is running:

Group (0) :
update requested for - 176 - out of - 176 - channels for 1 day(s)
( 1/176 ) MUSOR.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=Duna TV (HD)) -- mode Force
no robots data found
skipped robots check

Summary for update of Duna TV (HD)
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 0
new shows added 44
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 44

( 2/176 ) MUSOR.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=Duna World (HD)) -- mode Force

Summary for update of Duna World (HD)
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 0
new shows added 52
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 52

( 3/176 ) MUSOR.TV -- chan. (xmltv_id=RTL (HD) (RTL Klub)) -- mode Force

May I ask one more thing? What are these i's and n's?

Blackbear199's picture
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if you check a site epg you will usually see a page with epg for daily schedule or multi-day schedule.
we call this the index page.
when you click on a show you see the show details.
we call this a details page.
this site uses a daily schedule.
i means index page.
since this site has a daily schedule
one "i" means webgrab got 1 index page(your grabbing epg for today).
if you were grabbing 3 days epg yoi would see iii
for every "n" you see its getting the info for each show.
it may not always be a "n",it could be another letter which tells you what kind of update webgrab is performing.

you need to read the manual(available from downloads page).
attatched is the section regarding that.

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Thanks, it works fine now.

If you want you can add these 4 new channels (active from January):


They are already on

One thing I didn't quite like that the update is running for 5-6 hours in incremental mode - I have around 110 channels.

Can you recommend me better/faster source?

Blackbear199's picture
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its slow because the site will temp ban your ip if you grab data too fast.
if you look in the ini on the site {xx} line you will see retry=

all times are in seconds.
index-delay - time to wait between index pages..."i" you see when you run webgrab in console.
show-delay - time to wait between shows...".""n",ect you see after the index pages above.
channel-delay - time to wait between grabbing each channel
timeout - time to wait before webgrab errors with no response.
number after >x< - number of timeout attempts.

you can try lowering the show-delay,this slows webgrab down the most.
index-delay is 2nd thing that slows it,then channel-delay.

timout and number of attempts has no affect on grabbing speed.

other than that your only option is to try other ini in the hungry folder and see if they have the channels you want.

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Check this.

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Thanks, I already fixed it on my channels file.

BTW I ended up using awilime + few missing channels from It works great and fast now.

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Anyone else having problems with the awilime in the last days? Looks like they started to banning excessive grabbing. I already added delay in the file:

* @header_start
* WebGrab+Plus ini for grabbing EPG data from TvGuide websites
* @Site:
* @MinSWversion: V5.0
* @Revision 3 - [12/12/2024] Blackbear199
* - category fix
* @Revision 2 - [12/12/2024] Blackbear199
* - improvements
* @Revision 1 - [13/11/2023] Blackbear199
* - title,titleoriginal fix
* @Revision 0 - [28/09/2020] WGT
* - creation *old
* @Remarks:
* @header_end
site {|timezone=Europe/Budapest|maxdays=7.1|cultureinfo=hu-HU|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=90}
site {ratingsystem=HU|episodesystem=onscreen}
site {retry=4}

In the logs I see 429 errors and lately only a text message on the site (even when I try to open the website in a browser). After I change my ip, it works for a while.

Is there better, more recommended provider for hungarian channels?

Blackbear199's picture
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all you can do is try whats available.
u can run a test setup without changes the one you use daily.
just create a folder in your .wg++ directory(or anywhere you wish).i will use the folder name test.
add a wg config file and ini you want to use.
run webgrab manually from the command prompt.
syntax is path to webgrab.dll path to wg config
windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\WebGra+bPlus.dll" "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\test"
linux: "/home/username/.wg++/" "/home/username/.wg++/test"
qoutes are needed if any directory name has a space.

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