the site sledovanitv.cz was updated and has a new design. Since that, the grabbing no longer works.
I was using ini file from http://webgrabplus.com/comment/27596#comment-27596 (the one that you updated that returns both landscape and portrait images).
Do you think that it could be possible to update the webgrab so that it would work again? Ideally with both orientation of images again?
Thank you for your kind support
Helo Matt
have you please been able to check this? In order to comply with the rules, please find attached the required info.
1) version: WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.2.0.0
2) OS: unix debian 11
3) Mono JIT compiler version (Debian Tue Jun 29 21:01:01 UTC 2021)
Looking forward to hearing from you
Hi i missed your post will try to update asap
Update ver 5 here:
works flawlessly thanks a lot.
Just one more question. Do you think it would be possible to get a version of the ini file with 2 images? one landscape and portrait, just like you did here http://webgrabplus.com/comment/27596#comment-27596 (the sledovanitv.cz_2showicon.zip version).
Thanks again!
attached with 2 showicon...do you also need separated poster and background ? the one on git is poster
yes, we need both poster and background. So ideally 2x icon xml tag, eg for Fanda
for last event with timespan 7 it should return
icon src=https://sledovanitv.cz/static/posters/177/778177_234.jpg
icon src=https://sledovanitv.cz/static/backdrops/745/284745_1280.jpg
with background
Thank you for your fantastic support! Works great!