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Sky EPG data stopped working.

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Sky EPG data stopped working.

Hi Guys,

Anyone else having issues grabbing EPG data from SKY and TV.SKY?

Working fine for months, have downloaded the latest INI file.

Getting this on all channels:

Group (0) :
update requested for - 0 - out of - 118 - channels for 2 day(s)

Group (1) :
update requested for - 118 - out of - 118 - channels for 2 day(s)
(   1/118 ) UK-SKY.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=Al Jazeera Eng) -- mode Incremental
error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (30sec)
Retry 1 of 5 times
error downloading page: The operation has timed out (30sec)
Retry 1 of 5 times
error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (30sec)
Retry 1 of 5 times

(   2/118 ) UK-SKY.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=BBC NEWS HD) -- mode Incremental
error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (30sec)
Retry 1 of 5 times
error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (30sec)
Retry 1 of 5 times
error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (30sec)
Retry 1 of 5 times



Top of the config file:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- for detailed info about the settings see -->
  <postprocess grab="y" run="n">mdb</postprocess>
  <user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0</user-agent>
  <retry time-out="30">5</retry>

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 6 years

I noticed this yesterday but then the main sky EPG website seem to be slow for me too so I assumed it was a fault but its happening again today

Here is an example of the error's shown when trying to pull the xml data

[  Info  ] (  80/339 ) TV.SKY.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=QVC Extra) -- mode Incremental
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (20sec)
[Warning ] Retry 2 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The operation has timed out (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The operation has timed out (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The operation has timed out (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[Warning ] error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
[Warning ] Retry 1 of 4 times
[  Info  ]
[  Info  ]    Summary for update of       QVC Extra
[  Info  ]      missing shows added       0
[  Info  ]      changed shows updated     3
[  Info  ]      new shows added           0
[  Info  ]      unchanged shows inspected 160
[  Info  ]      total after update        168

All other channels using a different source like work fine and populate with no errors, its only the and,com and I'm using version 2.1.5 and updated ini file for all channels (updated today)

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Grrrrrr. Wonder if it can be fixed?


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I hope so but its not a program issue, so I don't know what the admini can do or suggest :)

I changed all my to Radiotimes but some channels are only on the ini file so I couldn't change them all

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Radio times EPG isnt working for me either. :(


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                                Jan van Straaten
                             Francis De Paemeleere

            thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users

Job started at 08/02/2018 17:27:00
found: H:\EPGUPDATE\ -- Revision 15
input file H:\EPGUPDATE\UKTV.xml not found   ... created a new one ...

      i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new

Group (0) :
update requested for - 0 - out of - 60 - channels for 8 day(s)

Group (1) :
update requested for - 60 - out of - 60 - channels for 8 day(s)
(   1/60  ) RADIOTIMES.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=Al Jazeera English) -- mode Incremental
error downloading page: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. (10sec)
Retry 1 of 5 times
error downloading page: The operation has timed out (20sec)
Retry 2 of 5 times
error downloading page: The operation has timed out (30sec)
Retry 3 of 5 times

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

Getting this on every channel when grabbing.


(   3/60  ) RADIOTIMES.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=BBC One) -- mode Incremental
Unable to update channel BBC One
See log file for details
Exception.Message: Could not load file or assembly 'xmltv, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Exception.StackTrace:    at WGconsole.Scrub.ApplyPattern2Episode(String episode, String[] patterns, String siteiniepisodenumsystem, Boolean debug)
   at WGconsole.Scrub.ScrubIndexShowDetails(String indexshow, SiteIni scrubstrings, Boolean next)
   at WGconsole.Scrub.Times.GetTimes(Int32 n, String[] indexshows, Scrub s, ChannelToUpdate chtu, UpdatedChannel uch)
   at WGconsole.Program.UpdateChannel(String strIndex, ChannelToUpdate Chan, XmlTarget xTarget)
   at WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication(String[] args)
Existing guide data restored!
(   3/60  ) RADIOTIMES.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=BBC Two) -- mode Incremental
Unable to update channel BBC Two
See log file for details
Exception.Message: Could not load file or assembly 'xmltv, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Exception.StackTrace:    at WGconsole.Scrub.ApplyPattern2Episode(String episode, String[] patterns, String siteiniepisodenumsystem, Boolean debug)
   at WGconsole.Scrub.ScrubIndexShowDetails(String indexshow, SiteIni scrubstrings, Boolean next)
   at WGconsole.Program.UpdateChannel(String strIndex, ChannelToUpdate Chan, XmlTarget xTarget)
   at WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication(String[] args)
Existing guide data restored!
(   3/60  ) RADIOTIMES.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=ITV) -- mode Incremental

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 6 years

Same issue looks like its blocked or something hope theres a fix


      i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new

Group (0) :
update requested for - 19 - out of - 19 - channels for 4 day(s)
(   1/19  ) UK-SKY.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=BBC One Lon) -- mode Incremental
error downloading page: The operation has timed out (20sec)
Retry 1 of 4 times

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Last seen: 6 years

yeah same here, shit man, i hope this isnt the end!!!!!

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Well I have managed to replace most of the channels with other providers from the sitepack ini but any news on a fix?
Has donated long time ago
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Joined: 7 years
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Its working for me, I reduced the days to 1 and set the timeout to 40 seconds but its pulling all the channels data for me and I only use it on channels I can't get off the radiotimes ini

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