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sitelini request

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Ivan Grozni
Joined: 11 years
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sitelini request

Can somebody make sitel.ini file for this site from Croatia
I need for some channels which I can't find on other sitel.ini from this country

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Done (available at the EPG channels page)
Any feedback is welcome.

Ivan Grozni
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 5 years

It works. Thanks for fast answer and making ini file for this site. :)

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Has donated long time agoWG++ Team member
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Could you upload your config and log file?

francis's picture
Has donated long time agoWG++ Team member
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In the logging:
Upgrade your Webgrab+Plus version to  V1.1.1/53.15 or higher!!
So update to the latest beta, should do the trick.
Probably some issue with the regex implementation of the 52 version.

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I have the problem with Unicode characters on this Croatian site. Some characters are Unicode, maybe it is possible to put request header to avoid this and receive correct text from webservice? Alternative solution would be to replace chars like this "index_title.modify {replace|'\u010d'|'č'}" but I thinks that's not very handy solution, because we have so many places to replace it and also so many characters to replace. Thouse are just main Croatian characters replaced on title node:

index_title.modify {replace|'\u0106'|'Ć'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u0107'|'ć'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u010c'|'Č'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u010d'|'č'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u0110'|'Đ'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u0111'|'đ'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u0160'|'Š'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u0161'|'š'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u017d'|'Ž'}
index_title.modify {replace|'\u017e'|'ž'}

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 4 years

I think I found the error in ".ini" file. This line have one space extra at the end, before "}" sign: index_title.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode) }. So if I just remove space for all cleanup lines everything is working.

This is the new code:
index_title.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}
index_subtitle.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}
index_description.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}
index_actor.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}
index_writer.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}
index_director.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}
index_temp_1.modify  {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}

Please update ini file.

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