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Siteini for

I made a Sitini for

This site works with regions.  So please follow the instructions to get the channels list for your region.

The URL for getting the data contains 2 numbers: callback=jQuery21405082954950824852_1498694400000

The last part, I figured out is simply the date in java format.

The first part (the number after jQuery) I cannot find any logic in it.  So I left it static ( a constant number).  It seems to work for a number of days now.  I am not sure this will remain so in the future.  So if anyone can shed some light on this, it will be appreciated.




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I've not tired this Sitini, I just wanted to check before giving it a try is it still working because you said you were unsure what the first number is and whether it would carry on working after a few days, has it continued to work or does that first number need changing from time to time? Thank you for creating this one by the way.

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You really can't read can you, I've just asked if it's continued to work for him... if he's no longer using it then fair enough.

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It still works with the same code.



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Thank you, I appreciate the response.

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I've given it a try and it works really well thanks, i just wondered if you manage to scrap images when you run yours? i saw you have this line commented out "index_temp_1.scrub {regex||"image"\s*:\s*"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"||}" i guessed this was yo scrap the images, so i uncommented it out to see if it scrapped the images but have not had any luck so far, did you ever manage to get show images when you ran webgrab?

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Thank you, I got it working with that, i looked at the json and added this line into the file index_showicon.scrub {single|"image"|:"|",|"startTime"} and the icons are all grabbing perfectly, thank you to the both of you for your help.

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Thank you blackbear199,

I was looking at cleaning up the seasons and episode, I tried doing replace “index_episode.modify {remove| (45 minute versions}” and replacing words which I spot but I noticed the more I go down the XML, the more different combinations I found, so doing just replace and the word isn’t a very good way of cleaning up the episodes.

Most of the episodes are fine and come out in this format:


But in some cases the episode number comes out like this:

<episode-num>S16 (45 minute versionsE65</episode-num>

<episode-num>S10 - 60 Minute VersionsE59</episode-num>

<episode-num>S1 ShortsE1</episode-num>

<episode-num>S2, Episode 1: ZiggyE1</episode-num>

Currently this is what scraps and mods the episode and season

index_episode.scrub {single (separator=":" exclude="null" include="Episode")|"episode"|:"|",|"series"}

index_episode.modify {replace|Episode |E}

index_temp_2.scrub {single (exclude="null")|"series"|:"|",|"cast"}

index_temp_2.modify {replace|Series |S}

index_episode.modify {addstart ('index_temp_2' not "")|'index_temp_2'}


Are you able to help me with a better way of cleaning the season and episodes

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Thank you blackbear199 for all your help, this works perfectly now, it grabs the icons and also the episode and series are displaying perfectly, thank you for all your input.

Should i make a revision and upload it to this post for others?

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My SiteIni's are for use on enigma2.  Since enigma2 does not support pic's (showicons) I do not normally bother grabbing them.  Or even when I use somebody elses SiteIni, I disable them.



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Blackbear199 is it possible to convert S1 E02 to xmltv_ns format? i've been searching the forum but it seems like xmltv_ns also contains how many episodes are in a series

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Are you able to help me with a regex, i want to be able to find anything with a missing paraenthesis and remove it along with it's content.

      <actor>George Peppard (John 'Hannibal' Smith)</actor>
      <actor>Dirk Benedict (Templeton 'Faceman' Peck)</actor>
      <actor>Dwight Schultz ('Howling Mad' Murdock)</actor>
      <actor>Mr T (B</actor>

So <actor>Mr T (B</actor> would then become <actor>Mr T</actor> In some cases there is more than one letter inside the paraenthesis which has a missing closing one


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"cast":"With George Peppard (John 'Hannibal' Smith), Dirk Benedict (Templeton 'Faceman' Peck), Dwight Schultz ('Howling Mad' Murdock), Mr T (B"

When looking at the site, it looks like it's from the api

i tried doing what you said but it still appears the same

index_actor.scrub {multi (separator=","" and " exclude="null")|"cast"|:"|",}
index_actor.modify {remove(type=regex)|\'.*?\'}

aha yeah its the A Team xD

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It's 5Spike +1

There are also other channels where some of the actors appear like that in the API also

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I don't know if it would be to hard to match only where the end is missing but for now i've done 

index_actor.modify {remove(type=regex)|\(.*}

which removes all content with parentheses which gives the following output which makes it look much cleaner on the guide

      <actor>George Peppard</actor>
      <actor>Dirk Benedict</actor>
      <actor>Dwight Schultz</actor>
      <actor>Mr T</actor>

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Thank you, i just saw what you posted after sending my post, i will give that a try now, thank you

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