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Showicon in

Hi again
i've made some minor changes to the canalplus.ini file for my personal interest and i'm trying to get the showicon but i can't make it work. Please, could anyone take a look to my file?
Thanks :)

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Hi Mayankel and Aleceute,
I have added the showicon (as from Aleceute) in the ini.
I have the same problem with WMC and the production year. I think it is an oversight of the mxf importer (BSE?)
If you wish you can add the production year to the description. Eg by means of the REX postprocessor, or by the following extra lines in the ini:
description.modify {addend('productiondate' not "")|  Año de producción: 'productiondate'}
productiondate.modify {clear} * if you want to clear the original

Thanks       Jan

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aleceuta wrote:

Hola, Mayankel:
Puede que no me recuerdes, hablamos varias veces hace mucho tiempo, yo vengo utilizando este y me funciona perfectamente Showicon.
Por cierto sabes porque no aparece el año de produccion de una pelicula en WMC y sin embargo en entorno web de DVBLink en TV and Media Library en la sipnosis si aparace el año.

Hola aleceuta, si, claro que te recuerdo, de TodoHTPC, no?, gracias por el showicon, me había ofuscado y no lo veía. ya funciona.
Thanks Jan, now it's working fine. 
I don't have your problem with the year in MCE, i can see it. I have the last version of DVBLink (4.5.3) to insert the guide in MCE (inband method, i feel) but i don't remember to found this problem in earlier versions...
Best regards :)

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Hi again Jan, one more question...
Could you take a look to in order to found the way to get the showicon ?
Thanks again :)

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