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Im trying out the series mdb postprocessor to get as many icons as possible for series as well and was getting very poor results using the, mainly because of the obvious fact that the site is in swedish and dont uses either english series titles and sub-titles/episode names. To my joy I found out you guys found a rather new swedish EPG site that uses both english original titles and sub-titles for surprisingly large amounts of shows and made an ini for it namely Many thanks for this great .ini! I did encounter some problems making the mdbprocessing less accurate than it could be and maybe somone could help me with it? A bit hard for me to find the correct syntax in these site inis. I do plan to merge the two sources together later on, but for now: uses the following line to scrub the original english title:
titleoriginal.scrub {single(lang=xx)|Originaltitel :|">|</p>|</td></tr>}
Unfortunately the site has some formatting that if scrubbed as is renders into a mdb no-match. For example:
The Big Bang Theory
their original title gets the format:
Big Bang Theory, The
I would like if original titles contains a "comma" and a following "The", delete the comma and move "The" to the start of title. 
Next issue was this line:
temp_3.scrub {single (include=last)|class="epg"|"> - |</span>|</p><div} * will be used if no episode title is available
Having it enabled meant a huge amount of mdb no-matches, cuz it makes a part of the swedish description into sub-title/episode name, which never will find any matches in the imdb. Found it best to disable the line alltogether. 
Third and last issue, grabbing is very slow on this site, but thats probably no issue of WG++.

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For the first issue:
After this line in the .ini

category.modify {replace|/|\|}

add the next 3 lines

temp_1.modify {substring(type=regex)|'titleoriginal' ",\s*The$"}            * check if the titleoriginal ends with ", The"
titleoriginal.modify {remove('temp_1' not="" type=regex)|",\s*The$"}        * if so, remove it
titleoriginal.modify {addstart('temp_1' not="")|The }                       * and prepend "The "


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Thank you very much, francis! Works like a charm :)
By the way the same applies to titles beginning with an A. For example:
Touch of Frost, A
Now I know the syntax for it and will manage fine changing it.

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I did encounter more problems with this ini. It uses a xmltv_ns episode num system and calculates -1 to scrubbed episode number. In my PVR system I have always used an onscreen episode num system according to this format:
I would love to be abled continuing using it in order to avoid breaking prevent recording of re-runs functions. I therefor do wonder if someone could help me with converting episode formating according to onscreen and S04E08/24 format?  

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