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rex usage & how to

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rex usage & how to

So I finally have some output from the new setup, which is great :)
I am now moving onto looking at the data included & noticed that the format of the episode information is not how I would like it. Appreciate everyone wants something different.

I am therefore looking for some help as the documented_config zip file that is available does not, for me anyways, explain how to do simple things like :

Take an episode number in the format S7 E1/10 and turn it into something like : S07E01 (as an example).
When I search for episode number change I either get people asking how to add it to the description - great & nice to know - or the old way of fixing it which is part of the ini.. which a) I can't do and b) I fully understand why we should not be doing it.

I'm therefore a little stumped.

I have so far tried (in my rex.config.xml)
'Episode(\ )' /* Nothing */
'Episode[cleanup]' /* returns 'Episode[cleanup]' in the output

And when I read the documents it just not make sense to me currently (sorry).

FYI using v3.0 on docker, so latest on all mono & setup.

Happy to provide an example guide.xml (small extract) if that would help, but hoping someone can guide me towards a different explanation to what can be done.

Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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