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Problem updating all channels, script stops.

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Problem updating all channels, script stops.

Problem updating all channels, script stops.
No message in WebGrab++.log.txt,update not completed completely.
This applies to ubuntu vps 16 and 18 that I have tested on with:
Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Tue Feb 4 21:20:20 UTC 2020)

If I run the script from putty then I see when the script stops and gets messages like this:
( 78/181 ) VG.NO -- chan. ( -- mode Incremental
iiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn/root/.wg++/ line 34: 19416 Killed mono"$DIR/bin/WebGrab+Plus.exe" "$DIR"

What could be the cause of the problem?
Here at home update works but not on vps

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 11 hours

Did you install wg++ for linux following instructions ?
I checked and works fine.

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Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
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upload your full webgrab log plse.

Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 1 month

In log it says nothing, can only see that script has not finished running.
To see error message I have to run the script from putty.
Think it has something to do with rights, see here in #11. Same problem.""
Several I've talked to say it's better to install on a user and run in from a user.
VPS has no users, only root.
Works fine on PC at home so I am fine.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 19 min

yes,makes sense now.
don't install webgrab in ur root directory,install it in your /home/[username]/ directory.
as root create it if u need to
/root by default is only accessible as root.
what I think is happening is when the grab is done webgrab is trying to write the data to the guide.xml file but cant(permission problem as u said).
so create a new directory and install webgrab there.

another alternative is todo this..
goto /root/whatever_ur _wg_directory_is/
in ssh
and manually create the guide.xml(whatever name u used in ur wg config.xml)(u can also do this via ftp program,whatver u prefer)
as a empty file
now it will exist and be accessible
where as before it didn't exist and weggrab tries to create it but cant(again permission issue).

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