please create and add amazon prime video pass ligue 1 on egp configuration
please create and add amazon prime video pass ligue 1 on egp configuration
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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the problem is that there is not a real schedule, cannot be done because the teams (most of them) play at 14:00 and this creates problem in wg++ because cannot work with duplicates "shows". My suggestion is to get information from tv channel that will transmit the games.
also with primevideo, short schedule but basically is eurosport....already available in siteini pack international folder
For those interested, a siteini for Prime Video Ligue 1 has been pushed to the official WebGrabPlus Github :
Prime Video Ligue 1 is not a "channel" but an on-demand service that broadcasts live matches of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2.
Therefore, the content of this XMLTV offers a schedule of all live matches in the form of a channel.
The source comes from a home-made bash script that generates an XMLTV based on the official LFP website but without going through WebGrabPlus because there are too many conditions it can't handle.
In the case of several matches at the same time (Multiplex), all fixtures are integrated in the description.
Pre and post-matches as well as weekly broadcasts (Mercredi/Dimanche Soir Football) are added to the guide when they do not conflict with a match.
Overview :
Multiplex :
!! -- WARNING : doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list
0.00 sec/update
Summary for update of Prime Video Ligue 1
missing shows added 0
changed shows updated 0
new shows added 8
unchanged shows inspected 0
total after update 8
elapstime / updated show 0.01 seconds
Job finished at 15/10/2021 14:32:49 done in 2s
Where did you see an error?
You should start by reading the FAQ and in particular this section below :
prime video added to france folder
it's nonsense the info is not good wrong use only this link
to retrieve the program
the other sites do not have the correct times, it indicates the kick-off time and not the start of the stream
and false that the program corresponds to the amazon prime script to use on the iptv which is not the case
The start time of the stream (pre-match) is just a bonus as the providers do not always broadcast this part on IPTV. I don't think it's necessary to criticise this.
What mat8861 has tried to do is to split the "channels" to display the matches played simultaneously in multiplex.
The idea is laudable but the providers each have their own methods of broadcasting a multiplex match on their own channels and it will be impossible to correspond the channels of the multiplex matches provided by mat8861 to those of the provider.
The only scenarios where this would work are:
1 - The provider offers in their own EPG, the matches corresponding to the channels they offer (this is rare and very often inaccurate)
2 - The provider uses the guide provided by mat8861 and adapts it to his channels.
3 - If the provider doesn't offer either of the 2 cases below, a customer would have to create an XMLTV adapted to the provider's channel broadcasting logic even if this seems utopian to me as it can only apply to one IPTV at a time. Especially as they themselves do not always have a broadcast logic.
The bottom line is that if providers don't make an effort to integrate a guide (theirs or another one) to their Prime Video channels, it will be very difficult to have something relevant.
That's why I've made a guide since the launch of Prime Video Ligue 1 based on the live stream of the day that I apply to all the provider's Prime Video channels, it's not perfect but it's better than nothing.
Hi Matt,
Can you please help with this file, seems the ini needs to be updated
whats wrong with it.
a description of the problem your seeing would help.
i just an it and seems fine to me,well matches the source data.
Hi dear,
There is no programs in file, i attached the log
your grabbing for 1 day and there is no events.
the data comes from here..
theres nothing on until april 31st
increase the number of days your grabbing.