request to create ini
epg visible vpn uk, there are only 3 channels premier sports 1, premier sports 2, Laliga TV and the last one I want is Laliga TV UK version, Thank you for your help
request to create ini
epg visible vpn uk, there are only 3 channels premier sports 1, premier sports 2, Laliga TV and the last one I want is Laliga TV UK version, Thank you for your help
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
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sites like these are worse than one with a thousand channels.
there are many issues with this site is the start/stop time.
if you look at the schedule the times are in h:mm format
so look at a show around noon or midnight.
for example say we have this for a start/stop time.
11:30 - 1:30
when webgrab processes this i thinks this is wrong because its thinks its 1:30 am in stead of 1:30 pm.
same thing happens around midnight.
webgrab throw error because it check to make sure the time makes sense and it knows 1:30 am if before 11:30 am.
there just nothing for it to gon on in the data for the time si its does its best guess.
another issue is days with no epg.
i only seen this with the 2 event channels but it could happen on any channel so thtis has to be dealt with.
anyway i spent the afternoon and got it to work with alot of tricks.
i hope it never breaks as i dont know if i would ever figure it out again.
First of all, thank you for taking up this topic, I will check it and get back to you if it is ok
hows it working?
there a updated version in ini pack that hopefully get the stream channels epg correct.
Works great using VPN from Poland
Thank you
late but me too, thank you, it works