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Possible to use a different WebGrab++.config.xml

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Possible to use a different WebGrab++.config.xml

I've gone over the docs/faqs and tried to search the forum but could not turn up anything.

My simple question is I know that the default config file is WebGrab++.config.xml but could I create another config file with a different name and pass that to webgrabplus when it runs to use rather than the default one.

I'm using the linux version latest dotnet V4.2.3.6


Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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you cannot use a different name but you can use a different location.
you cannot use the file,you need to create your own sh file or use a crond to run it.

dotnet /path/to/webgrab/dll/WebGrab+Plus.dll /directory/to/webgrab/config

the default installation is /home/[username]/.wg++

so you could for example add a folder in you .wg++ directory called mycustom(or whatever you want to name it).
inside this folder put a copy of your webgrab++.config.xml and whatever ini's this will use.

dotnet /home/[username]/.wg++/ /home/[username]/.wg++/mycustom

as you can see i used the path to the same webgrab+Plus.dll that the uses and specified the directory to you alternate webgrab++config.xml to use.
you can repeat this as many times as you want,just add another folder with a different name.

BeChan's picture
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Sorry I dont understand

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 1 year

Thanks. Worked Perfectly.

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