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Object error on run

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Object error on run


When I run this in my Synology docker I get the below error.

[ ] WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.2.1.0
[ ]
[ ] Jan van Straaten
[ ] Francis De Paemeleere
[ ]
[ ] thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users
[ ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]
[ ] Job started at 26/08/2021 00:00:02
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Running on: Unix
[ Debug ] Environment: 4.0.30319.42000
[ Debug ] Mono version: (tarball Mon Feb 22 17:29:18 UTC 2021)
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Loading timezone data
[ Debug ] Embedded timezones source: timezone.timezonesdata.txt
[ Debug ] Reading config file: /config/WebGrab++.config.xml
[ Info ] Checking License ..
[ Info ] For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt
[ ] Job finished at 26/08/2021 00:00:03 done in 1s
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at  . ..ctor (System.String ) [0x01381] in <fbac90b70d384f53ad4ad19bec96974f>:0
at  .―.  (System.String[] ) [0x00351] in <fbac90b70d384f53ad4ad19bec96974f>:0
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file /config/WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

My WebGrab++.config(less licence info)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- for detailed info about the settings see
and -->
<postprocess grab="y" run="n">rex</postprocess>
<user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36 Edg/79.0.309.71</user-agent>
<!--<decryptkey site="site-name">decrypt_userkey</decryptkey>-->
<license wg-username="" registered-email="mm" password="">To force a license update; replace this text with the letter f</license>
<retry time-out="5">4</retry>
Replace the next dummy channel entry with the channels you want.
You can look into the installed siteini.pack folder on your computer

For the latest version,
see for the available sites/channels
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="232" xmltv_id="13 Ulica HD">13 Ulica HD</channel>



[ ] WebGrab++ license request and update log
[ ] 2021/08/26 00:00

What do I need to do to fix this issue?


Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 3 years

I use the linuxserverio docker on Unraid and I'm experiencing the exact same issue, my log is identical including the

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 6 months

So, if I stop my docker and then change the permissions to run it as root.

then open a bash terminal from docker and run it from there it works.

Going to see if it now works via the schedule.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 7 min

I think that changing also user permission on files (or add user to sudoers) should work.
We know after some test on linux server and WLS linux on windows that mono complete solves issues with other versions, anyway there will be a complete re-written wg++ soon.

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 2 years

Hi, same here, running Linux server version in Docker on Synology, no joy even with rights as root.

[ ]
[ ] WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.2.1.0
[ ]
[ ] Jan van Straaten
[ ] Francis De Paemeleere
[ ]
[ ] thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users
[ ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]
[ ] Job started at 01/09/2021 19:30:02
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Running on: Unix
[ Debug ] Environment: 4.0.30319.42000
[ Debug ] Mono version: (tarball Mon Feb 22 17:29:18 UTC 2021)
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Loading timezone data
[ Debug ] Embedded timezones source: timezone.timezonesdata.txt
[ Debug ] Reading config file: /config/WebGrab++.config.xml
[ Info ] Checking License ..
[ Info ] For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt
[ ] Job finished at 01/09/2021 19:30:04 done in 2s
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at  . ..ctor (System.String ) [0x01381] in :0
at  .―.  (System.String[] ) [0x00351] in :0
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file /config/WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

Same configuration runs on Windows 10.

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 3 years

Same problem here. I can see many posts about this but no solutions... :-(

I am running the app in a docker container on a nas. It has been working for many months. It still works when executing the job manually in the console but for some weeks now the cron job fails with the above message. No details whatsoever even when putting mode d and logging on.

I have recursively reset the ownership of all folders and also the permissions. I have deleted the .local folder. I have forced a new license. Keep getting the error.

As this seems to hit many users it would be nice to get some real support.

Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 3 years

As a workaround waiting for a fix you could create a script containing

docker exec -d NameOfDockerContainer AbsolutePathToUpdateScriptInTheContainer

The name of my container is webgrabplus and the path from within the container is /defaults/ - then it looks like the below.

docker exec -d webgrabplus /defaults/

Then create a cron job for the newly created script and it should work.

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 3 years

So after reading through a lot of posts I finally found this thread and a solution in it:

This looks promising - if it really is the solution it would be nice to find that in the FAQ or at another more prominent place. I have changed the PUID and PGID from my container now, without any further comment this has solved it...

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 7 min

Pretty soon there will be a new version "portable", which basically needs only the available dotnet (now 5.0) and is common to windows, linux, docker, etc.etc. as a standalone app.
All tests are now almost just wait a little bit.
dotnet WG.console.dll

WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V4.2.0.0

Jan van Straaten
Francis De Paemeleere

thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users

WebGrab+Plus V4.2.0.0

Usage: WebGrab+Plus [OPTIONS...] [CONFIG_FOLDER]

This is the absolute path to the configuration folder.
The configuration folder must contain at least a WebGrab++.config.xml file.

Job started at 13/09/2021 20:00:49
Checking License ..
For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt
found: apollotv.ini -- Revision 00
processing /home/ubuntu/Scrivania/wg4.2portable/guide.xml ...
Found existing channel (xmltv_id=Kanal 2 HD) in the config file...

i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new

Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 4 day(s)
( 1/1 ) APOLLOTV -- chan. (xmltv_id=Kanal 2 HD) -- mode  
0.23 sec/update

Job finished at 13/09/2021 20:01:18 done in 26s

and windows
C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\4.2>dotnet WG.console.dll

WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V4.2.0.0

Jan van Straaten
Francis De Paemeleere

thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users

Job started at 13/09/2021 20:07:11
Checking License ..
For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt
found: C:\Users\mat88\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\siteini.user\test\incomplete\apollotv.ini -- Revision 00
processing C:\Users\mat88\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\guide.xml ...
Found existing channel (xmltv_id=Kanal 2 HD) in the config file

i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new

Group (0) :
update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 4 day(s)
( 1/1 ) APOLLOTV -- chan. (xmltv_id=Kanal 2 HD) -- mode
0.22 sec/update

Job finished at 13/09/2021 20:07:38 done in 27s

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 3 years

Thank you for the information!

However I can confirm that I was able to solve the problem by adding PUID=0 and PGID=0 to the ENV configuration of my docker container.

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Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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