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New warning in version 55

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mrspock's picture
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 4 years
New warning in version 55


I've been using WebGrab+plus during years...

Now, I have just upgraded from version 1.1.1/54 to 1.1.1/55 (Win 7) and without changing anything else, now I have found a new message warning displayed several times on the screen. Going back to 54, the message does not appear.

The message appears when using file, but it looks that the guide.xml is finished ok. The message is:

channel (xmltv_id=13tv Madrid) site -- SINCROGUIA.TV.MP -- mode smart
no robots data found
skipped robots check
icould get type from operations remove( type=char
Unknown type:
could get type from operations remove( type=char
Unknown type:
no robots data found
skipped robots check
ncould get type from operations remove( type=char
Unknown type:
could get type from operations remove( type=char
Unknown type:
ncould get type from operations remove( type=char
Unknown type:

What is this about?

How can I solve it (if it is a problem with the ini file)? Is it possible to be removed (to have a clean progress window)?


mrspock's picture
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 4 years


As no answers were received, finally I tried it myself. I found that there were a small mistake in the ini file:

index_stop.modify {remove(type=char|-3}

And should be:

index_stop.modify {remove(type=char)|-3}

A missing bracket was the problem. I don't really know what this does, as I didn't write this part of the ini.

I will test know, and check that the results are as good as the previous.


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