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New grabber for ""!

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New grabber for ""!

I have been using for a while now, with no complaints until recently. Tonight for instance "Once Upon A Time" is a 2-hr long show. only shows it as a 1-hr show, luckily I caught it and set Argus scheduler to record an hr later. I did notice that along with, nextguide, zap2it, and others show it as a 2-hr show.

This is a request for as you know. How do you go about starting this and where can I help with this if it's possible? My postal code is 14808

Thanks, Michael

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I will add to the list of new site requests. But that can take some time.

Have you tried schedulesdirect as alternative? It costs a little but it seems quite reliable. It uses the same guide source as zap2it so I gues your stations must be available.




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Sounds great!

I have checked out schedules direct and yes it's a good site for it. I only looked at this one as it would cover a large group of people who might be using WebGrabPlus. It is Time Warner's schedule and will soon cover Comcast as well since they are merging.

What could I do to help? I have been looking in the forum on creating your own ini, my question is how do you find the Server ID. Looking in the cookie I don't see one listed there. Are there other names they would use? Anything I can do to help and learn would be great. I do have some knowledge of C++, javascript, html and such. I have been looking into XML more lately as I have been scripting XBMC  to make it more of my own for a HTPC setup once I have all the parts.


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Hi Michael,

just to get you started: In the attached ini file I already configured the url for the index pages and the index_showsplit.

To get the required url data you can use the developer mode of your browser. I always use IE which has an excellent developer mode which you can call by hitting F12.

Of course you will need the WG++ manual

I haven't configured the channel file creation , to use the ini you can use these lines in your config:

<channel update="f" site="" site_id="wcbs-cbs" xmltv_id="WCBS (CBS)">WCBS (CBS)</channel>
<channel update="f" site="" site_id="fios-g4" xmltv_id="WJLPDT">WJLPDT</channel>


I hope you succeed ...   Jan

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