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Merging with external XML

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Merging with external XML


I was wondering if my usecase is at all possible.

I'm grabbing a couple of channels with WG and it works great. However, I also have a link to my providers XML for a couple of other channels. Is it possible to have WG download and merge the xmö from the external link together with the XML created by WG?

I have tried using the merge ini in the sitepack but keep getting error:
Unhandled Exception

Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Is it even possible to use WG for these kind of xmls?

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If you have such error, something wrong is the cause,check your config.

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This is the ini (configed) that I have been using. I have basically added my xml files and removed the file:// value as that gave me an error saying there is no file. Would you mind telling me where I have gone wrong in the ini?

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First error i saw, is the /epg.xml.gz is compressed, so you need to extract first the file epg.xml and then merge. So your subpage should be..... Documents\guide.xml|http:/....../epg.xml

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I just tried it with removing .gz and instad have the link ending with .xml. Unfortunately that gave me the:
"Unhandled Exception
Index was outside the bounds of the array error".

I am however able to use a browser and download the xml. Both the compressed one and the uncompressed one.

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you cannot remove .gz and change to xml, the file is still compressed.You need to extract from zipped gz file the xml. Then
{list|C:\Users\Sajk\Documents\guide.xml|C:\Users\Sajk\Documents\epg.xml} (epg.xml extracted from http://epg.*****.org/losmij/epg.xml.gz)

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Okay, but if I use a browser and go to the URL http://epg.****.org/losmij/epg.xml, I am able to download the file uncompressed.
Perhaps I am missing something or Webgrab isn't made for this usecase.

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Okay so I have finally got it to work the way i wanted (sort of). However I seem to be having some trouble grabbing all the shows, right now it just gives me a couple of them.

If you look at the "epg.xml" picture that is the source-file that I am trying to grab from. It contains several shows for the channel "BHT". However, I only seem to be grabbing 1 or 2 of those shows.

I thought it best to attach the files and try to get some help from you guys on how to proceed.

The epg.xml pic is the source. The guide.xml is my output file from webgrabplus. I have also attached my merge.ini file and config file together with my log from the latest grab run.

Can anybody see something in these and tell me what I am missing here?

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