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Merge multiple xml is very slow

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Merge multiple xml is very slow


How is possible to merge without any upgrade or check, several guide.xml files, all were created with wg+? It takes ages to merge 600 channels from 15 files. Processing time for this simple job is similar with grabbing again all the channels from the source. A simple copy/paste of all channels and epg data will work much faster IMO.

I asume the problem come from merge-xmltv.ini where are similar operations as for a normal tvguide xmltv source. How to avoid this double grabbing?

I have WG+ 2.1 on Debian, mono version 3.2.8.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 day

Did you follow instruction in siteini.pack (Misc folder) merge-xmltv_info.howtosetup.txt ?

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 4 years
mat8861 wrote:

Did you follow instruction in siteini.pack (Misc folder) merge-xmltv_info.howtosetup.txt ?

Of course, otherwise I didn't know from where to start and how to do it.
Again, how to merge "n" xml files generated by wg+, 100% different channels in each xml, generated all at the same time (+/- 1h), without running any check, process, grab or whatever? Is this possible at all? Of course in my case also "default" merging is working, but is checking channel by channel, show by show. Not sure why this is even necessary.
I can do it manually in few minutes (copy/paste/edit) but would like to make it automatically with crontab. Using default merge-xmltv.ini is like grabbing all epg data, again, from sources. It takes more than 6-8h for 600 channels, one by one, one by one, etc.... Waste of time and resources.
So how to do it? I may have a wrong setting, don't know. Can't be so complicated, is hilarious to wait several hours for a simple copy/paste operation!

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