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Meo ini

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Meo ini
Good evening, first of all, thank you very much for your attention.
I asked only for a small favor ...
I managed to get to this result.
All this alone without help from anyone But I can not replace the "|" per "-".


<programme start="20170417185600 +0100" stop="20170417194700 +0100" channel="axn">

    <title lang="pt">C.S.I. T14|Ep. 21</title>

    <desc lang="pt">A equipa investiga um ciber assassinato e para isso pede ajuda à Unidade de Crimes Informáticos</desc>

    <episode-num>T14 Ep21</episode-num>



<programme start="20170419194500 +0100" stop="20170419214000 +0100" channel="sportv">

    <title lang="pt">Barcelona x Juventus|Liga dos Campeões (Direto)</title>

    <sub-title lang="pt">Liga dos Campeões (Direto)</sub-title>

    <desc lang="pt">Transmissão do encontro a contar para a Liga dos Campeões</desc>


Would you just give me this small change to the ini file?
I know Blackbear199 said to use rex but I already tried and I could not get anywhere ...
It's the last favor I'm asking, please someone who appeals to my request for despair, please, please, please ...
Thank you very much for your attention.
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I already tried setting up rex but I could not ... my English is bad, unfortunately. I've invested a lot of time, it's true ...

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Good Blackbear199, I've done everything you told me, but still I still do not get the results I want. Sorry to be bothering again but if you could give me some more tips it was cool. I attach the files I used to see if you can see where I failed ...

What happens is that rex continues without catching the complete titles and does not appear the seasons and episodes in front of the title.

Very grateful for the attention. Greetings.

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Last seen: 1 year
Blackbear199 wrote:

so u want the subtitle and episode info added to end of the title?

change this..

<sub-title>{'subtitle'}{ 'episode'}</sub-title>


<title>'title'{ - 'subtitle'}{ - 'episode'}</title>

i not sure how u want it but the above will output

title - subtitle - episode info

with rex anything inside each set of {xxx} is omitted if its for example..

if only subtitle was present

title - subtitle

if only esisode present

title - episode info

you can change the [space]-[space] to whatever you want as a spearator.

you can change the order to whatever you want..

<title>{'subtitle' - }'title'{ - 'episode'}</title>

<title>{'episode' - }'title'{ - 'subtitle'}</title>




Good evening, here are the files you asked for ... Thank you very much.

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 1 year

[Quote = Blackbear199]

Assim é o guide.xml seu usando ...


Este é o arquivo xml que terá as alterações que o rex faz (adiciona informações de legendas e episódios ao título).

Você não usa o arquivo forum.xml. Este é o arquivo inalterado produzido pelo webgrab.

Parece rex está trabalhando como levou 9 secs.i acho que o seu uso do xml errado?






I know which xml to use, the problem is that it still does not appear the full title in sportv's

Please take a look to get a better look.


Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 1 year
Blackbear199 wrote:

from what i see its works as it should,your problem is this...

<programme start="20170421200000 +0100" stop="20170421203000 +0100" channel="SPORTV 1 FULL HD HLS">
    <title lang="pt">Futebol</title>
    <desc lang="pt">Transmissão do confronto entre Man. Utd x Anderlecht</desc>

so i assume you want the team name in the title,the problem here is its not in the subtitle.its in the description.

there is nothing you can do(sure you can add the description to the title and make a huge mess).this is because you dont know whats in the description,it could be team names like above or multuple sentences with a actual show description.



But you had already given me back that problem.

As you can see in this file. Only you changed the file.

There must be something you can do ...


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