Hi guys,
it is possible making a kinopoisk.ru mdb .ini file?
thanks for look
Hi guys,
it is possible making a kinopoisk.ru mdb .ini file?
thanks for look
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
Is no problem blackbear, I need it personally only for the movies, But I think they do not make a half thing
My thought was as follows, I wanted for the movies the cover, and see this in Kodi Live TV.
The imdb.com has not all movies in russian names.
But I can wait...
im using the tviz.tv site..
the normal run, finding is good, but not the cover from movie.(Series are for me uninteresting). im pushing the mdb(5-10 Channels) for imdb.com, but the site (imdb.com) have not all Russian names for the movies, So I thought maybe with kinopoisk.ru is better
thank you for u great job Blackbear
but it not perfekt, i scan 1 only Movie Channel,
Of 23 movies he finds only 1, here my log and files for u..
"""an exampleim""
This film has not found mdb "Прогулка"
i go to bing.com and put this fo Search "kinopoisk.ru%Прогулка" not OK "kinopoisk.ru% Прогулка" that's okay, but is not at the top, is here a problem?
YES, that is Perfekt..
mdb.config.xml edit this lines
<selectmovie duration="55" minumum="3" musthave="title" contains="" optional="productiondate,actor,director"/>
<selectmovie duration="55" minumum="2" musthave="title" contains="" optional="productiondate,actor,director"/>
add a new line to mdb.config.xml <icon>'mdb-showicon'</icon> for change icons (Movie Covers) from mdb process.
and download new kinopoisk.com.bing.ini.
[ Debug ] Mdb data found for 23 out of 23 Movies-candidates
Thank you blackbear.
no more works perfekt
can u test it please, im testet on Windows 10 the scan complete the epg,
It just freezes when it starts with mdb prozess..
There is the possibility to pause between each query?
I think that with the fast request, block ip temp.
blackbear, thank you for hard work here, but the new kinopoisk site, hase now online small covers from yandex, for kodi epg not aceptable, see kodi.jpg
I think the page is no longer important for covers. but the new mobile.ini working
Anyway, thanks for your work blackbear
A support like here is nowhere, im support this.
realy? man u killing me
, its work perfekt and fast.
I watch, how long it remains, thanks Master