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MDB - How to add IMDB data to a only TITLE programme?

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MDB - How to add IMDB data to a only TITLE programme?

Recently with the down of TVGuide support for LatinAmerica Providers, I was looking for alternatives, in Example: Golden Premier which i found on GatoTV.
GatoTV has many of the programmes with only data, so I think about adding description and all other relative fields with MDB postprocess.
The problem is that MDB postprocess will not select movie from candidates if they only have

How can I make it to work?

I'm using WG++ v5.1.3.0 under Windows 10

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 14 min

short answer is u cant.
well you could but you wont get the results you want.

imho if the movie doesnt have atleast the title and year then you have very little chance of getting the correct match.

sure u can change the select/match setting in the mdb.config.xml to make it work with title only.
think about how many remakes of the same movie or a totally different movie with the same name exist.

how many channels are you looking for epg for?

Joined: 2 years
Last seen: 1 day

Four channels:
Canal Golden Premier
Canal Golden Premier 2
Canal Golden Multiplex
Canal Golden Plus

Could you please share the right settings to use for only title search?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 14 min

<selectmovie duration="76" minimum="1" musthave="title" contains="" unselect="" optional="productiondate, director"/>
<matchmovie mustmatch="title" minimum="1" optional="productiondate, director"/>

normally the minimum is set to atleast 2(title and year for example)
the only way to apply this to just those channel you need to list all other channel you use at the bottom of the mdb.config.xml
from the docs

Excluded channels :
with this, channels can be excluded that don’t need mdb processing.
  As default, all channels in the WebGrab++.config.xml will be used to select shows.
  Channels in the following list are excluded if update="" (left blank), any other value will keep the channel included.
  This list has the same format as the channel-list in WebGrab++.config and the channel files in the SiteIni.pack.
  Examples :
    <channel update="" site="" site_id="DisneyChannel" xmltv_id="Disney Channel">Disney Channel</channel>
    <channel update="" site="" site_id="7K" xmltv_id="RTL 4">RTL 4</channel>

they got at the very bottom before the </setting> tag.

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