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MD5 Checksum

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MD5 Checksum

Is it possible to get WebGrab to generate a md5 file after it has compiled the guide.xmltv?

This would be useful for when I need to check the server for fresh data.. The guide software will check the hash first, if different then it will download the file to my guide software.. As my file is quite large it saves time unnecessarily downloading the the same (very large) guide file again.



Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 6 years

Yea, I'm already running a script in windows.. just wanted it to do one less task..

I thought it would be useful to otehrs here too especially when large files are involved.

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 6 years

Sorry, I shoud've been more clearer in regards to using a large file..


Yes that will work, but if the file is corrupted during transfer it can verify the checksum to make sure the hash of the downloaded file is the same as the one on the server, if not the same it will download again.

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