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Language codes blues - TVH not showing updated data at RPi LE

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Language codes blues - TVH not showing updated data at RPi LE

As I had to figure this out on my own, I may help someone else. First problem was I could not find clear and usable instructions how to add EPG for IPTV to an RPi with LE!. Luckily at least I found WG++ which seems excellent. Then I did on my own the rest for my RPi LE. At this site there is no info for RPi LE, while TvHeadEnd info is also not directly usable for RPI LE TVH and is best avoided completely as there is a far better solution.

I am in EU and I pull several language codes sites. I had quite a problem getting TVH (LE7 TVH 4.0.9) to display the new updated data while experimenting which sites to choose. It did not help that all 6 of the .ini files I now use had to be modified evehtnough I have had fresly downlaoded them last week. Without Blackbear199 I would not have achieved anything, so many thanks for his work!

When you pull the EPG data from the Web, it will have some language codes embedded, e.g. "en" for English or "hr" for Croatian and so on. TVH will be deciding what to display based on these tags in concordance with the langauages defined at TVH: Configuration -> General -> Language Settings.

I am currently pulling 5 different language codes. English at the first spot of this list messed up my display not showing what I wanted! I changed data fixing an issue, reload it into TVH, but TVH would still show the old data! Which does not exist any more in guide.xml! E.g. I changed ALL CAPS in the title to Proper Form, but would still be shown ALL CAPS version. Some data would change, some would not!?! While experimenting with EPG feeds you may change the langauge for certain feed. Language Settings order may prevent you from viewing updated data! If so, try moving this new language up. Which may not be optimal for displaying the other languages, so find the best order for you.

For me, English is now at #3. The correct order will be a personal matter. Change the order, Save and check immediatelly TVH EPG tab for changes. Take care you Save changes or the new language order will not be used! It seems that all languages used should be defined here to control how they are displayed. Leaving the list empty does terrible job for me.

A TVH + Rex issue: Rex in Win7 would not save its output file anywhere but to its default location with its config files. OK, that can be easily solved by moving the file manually where one needs it. Rex nicely moved all the extra data into the description. But, TVH was refusng to display additional data in its own lines, ignoring the newlines (/n). Knowing that: one should try \r instead of \n. During experimentation, there was no point in watching data in Kodi since it gets data from TVH. So, I was checking cnahges in TVH. But, as it turned out: while my TVH shows all Rex added data with \n in a signle line, all the data is correctly shown in my Kodi! That may very wll be an issue related to my browser. But was a problem.

A WG++ issue: index_title.modify {cleanup(style=name)} seems not to work as manual says. It does not remove \n but removes - (minus, dash). This first thing it should remove and the second it should not remove, according to the manual. It does so for several of .ini I use. Luckily, this can be easily worked around once you are aware of the problems.

Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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