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Installation problem on OS 10.12.6

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Installation problem on OS 10.12.6

I've reached Step 3 in the OS installation instructions for V3.1 and can't seem to open the downloaded WebGrabPlus_V3.1_install.tar archive. I've also tried using Terminal to unarchive the file, but nothing seems to happen. Is the software compatible with OS 10.12.6? If so, please could you let me know how to unarchive the file? Thanks

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 56 min

never done a install on osx(apples pc cost to much for me) but i can say that mono in the documentation is outdated.
get the latest version here..

regarding your install problem.
i assume u copied it from the installation page so..
tar -zxvf WebGrabPlus_V2.0.tar.gz
should be..
tar -zxvf WebGrabPlus_V3.1_install.tar.gz
its the filename of installer you downloaded.

but congrats on owning one as i think they r wicked pc.i cant afford one but replaced a failed hdd in one for my nephew and loved the os restore online option.

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