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I need help

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I need help

How to use
1. Find the config file (WebGrab++.config.xml) and open it with a simple text editor.
2. Locate the dummy line at the end of the file
3. Now look inside the siteini.pack folder and find the channels you want to grab (inside the .channels.xml files)
4. Replace the dummy line with the channel(s) you want to grab
5. Run WebGrab+Plus
6. You should get a xmltv file called guide.xml file with the tv listings of your channels
7. For more information about the configuration file, see on our website
8. To feed the generate xmltv file into you EPG/PVR system you can follow examples on our site

I'm reading the directions above.
I'm stuck on the 4th step. I need to know if for instance I need indian channels how should the output look?
I've attached one of the files from the india folder. I'm looking forward to your reply.

Thank You

Hardik Patel

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 12 hours

that siteini doesn't work anymore, it has now been deleted

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