mindigtvgo.hu.ini has a wrong offset. for example start time in the guide.xml is 202401031210 but on the webpage is 202401031330.
Please fix it. Thank you.
How can I get an editable version of this file? Thx
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
edit the ini and on the site {xxx} line and change
you dont need it decrypted to edit this,its also case sensitive setting so make sure UTC is all caps.
sadly it is not enough :( guide.xml has different timestamp
programme start="20240106193000 +0000" stop="20240106220000 +0000" channel="Film+"
title lang="hu">Suicide Squad - Öngyilkos osztag
and maybe can you add the date field to the grab? thx
data is correct..
the site shows the data in users local time.
from your screenshot you pc timezone is UTC+0100(same as budapest timezone).
the epg data has 19:30 UTC time,your epg viewer will look at the time offset of your guide.xml and the time offset if its local time and do this..
epg time offset is +0000,local time offset is +0100
it will add 1 hour to the start and stop time of each progam to its correct in its local time.
19:30 + 01:00 = 20:30 ==> same time as your screenshot shows.
updated ini.
fixed a few things.
thank you for try to help me.
my english is not perfect but I'll try to explain my problem.
I have two enigma2 satellite box.
In my example it is the same show, first is by mindigtvgo.hu.ini, second by port.hu.ini
The first is not ok on my box it is showing up 7:25 not 8:25, the second is perfect timing on my box
programme start="20240107072500 +0000" stop="20240107082000 +0000" channel="mindigotv.hu Cool"
title lang="hu"Szívek szállodája title
programme start="20240107082500 +0100" stop="20240107092000 +0100" channel="port.hu Cool"
title lang="hu" Szívek szállodája title
any maybe can you add date field to mindigtvgo.hu.ini?
thank you
it looks like your enigma box doesnt use the time offset.
its not adjusting the time to your local time.
use this ini,i changed to so its users the users local time.
default timezone is Europe/Budapest.
fixed date element.
this can be done for this ini but not all site can do this.
thank you for your help