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How would one add episode data to programs (in wanted category) that does not have fetched episode data

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How would one add episode data to programs (in wanted category) that does not have fetched episode data


I'm new to the site and been messing up with with the ini file couple of days now. With the help on this forum I managed to get the ini file to show the episode data on the programs (from that have the data on their description field.

Now the interesting part would be getting the own chosen episode data for the selected categories and only if there already is no episode data available.

Perhaps someone has already made such a script? Need would be importing the xml data to Plex so that all the series could be recorded to "TV programmes" instead of "films"

This is Ok and would not need to modify it at all:

programme start="20211110150000 +0200" stop="20211110160000 +0200" channel="Ava"
title lang="fi">Supernanny<
desc lang="fi">Lapsen kengissä. Kausi 1, 17/18. bla bla blaa
category lang="fi">sarjat<
icon src=""
episode-num system="xmltv_ns">0.16.<
rating system="IMDB"

For this "sarjat" category I'd like to have episode-num (system="onscreen") value from the "YYYYMMDD" field (and only if there is no data already):

programme start="20211109160000 +0200" stop="20211109170000 +0200" channel="Ava"
title lang="fi">Lemmen viemää
desc lang="fi">bla blaa bla<
category lang="fi">sarjat<
episode-num system="onscreen">2021-11-09<
icon src=""
rating system="IMDB"

There could be better way to fool the plex but that would be sufficient at least for me.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 13 hours

a bit confusing...first the episode for your knowledge is converted automatically to xmltv_ns or onscreen simply adding the system type in the site line.
What you could do with an index_temp scrub the same of index_start ({single|startTime":"||T|T}) just the date with no time and add it to episode if ""
If you need help let me know.

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 3 years

My script modifying knowledge limits to copy paste at the moment.

The ini file I posted was modified with the code provided in these forums, I only messed with it a bit so that "Osa" and "osa" can be interpret correctly as a same thing. That script does the job well for the programs having episode correlation the description field.

From another post ( I could use the lines Francis provided and got episode data to all the programs. I used 'index_start' there and it also worked. Only issue with that is that script writes episode data to all the programs, also movies i.e. category "elokuvat". That does not work with Plex since anything with episode data is considered to be a TV-program and gets stored to wrong location. Plex does not show couple of channels here in Finland so trying to get it working with external xml file instead.

What I'd like to get in the future is to be able to modify only the category 'sarjat' programs which would not have episode data created by the script already. If program data would already have episode-num fields (created earlier in the script), those would be remained untouched.

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