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Help with my Ini file for

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Help with my Ini file for

I am having difficulty parsing the start time. I have variations of Regexp but still getting parsing the time.
I spent a few days trying suggestions in the forum that appeared similar but have not been successful in parsing.
I am able to parse out the title and description.

The second issues is the html tags getting escaped for title and description. Not sure why.

<programme start="20190114033000 +0000" stop="20190114040000 +0000" channel="FlowSports">
<title lang="en">Rebel Women's Big Bash League LIVE&lt;/div&gt;</title>
<desc lang="en">Stars vs Sixers LIVE (KOT 11:50).&lt;/div&gt;(n)</desc>

The html snippet from my index_showsplit has all the information for a given program

[ Debug ]
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--body">
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--program-wrapper row">
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--time-wrapper col-xs-2 col-sm-1">
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--start-time" datetime="2019-01-14 01:30:00Z">01:30</div>
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--end-time" datetime="2019-01-14 03:30:00Z">03:30</div>
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--duration">
<span class="dcm-tv-guide-item--duration-label">Duration</span>
<span class="dcm-tv-guide-item--duration-time">2h 0m</span>
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--name col-xs-5 col-sm-6">Tottenham Hotspur vs. Manchester United encore</div>
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--details col-xs-5 col-sm-4">Premier League Football encore.</div>
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--channel-logo hidden-xs col-sm-1">

<div class="bar-indicator col-xs-11 col-sm-11 col-sm-push-1 col-xs-push-1 row">
<div class="dcm-tv-guide-item--progress">
<div class="progress tv-guide-programs">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="100"
aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 100%">
<span class="sr-only">100%</span>

[ Debug ] ----------end----block----------

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 5 years

Thank you Goran for taking the time to review my issue.
After reviewing your files and looking at the web page I was able to understand most of what you described.

However I am not able to figure out why these are incorrect.

index_showsplit.scrub not good
index_start and stop use with date
start-time" datetime="2019-01-14 01:30:00
end-time" datetime="2019-01-14 03:30:00

Could you upload your ini file so I can take a look and understand what is going on. I want to learn how you parsed the start and stop, and understand why index_showsplit.scrub not good.

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 5 years

Thanks Goran, some of the stuff you are referring is very cryptic and beyond my understanding. When I see the source page of the site, I see what you are talking about but trying to figure out what you are saying and referring to the WG+ documentation to piece it together hasn't been easy.
But thanks for all your help. I'm just going to throw in the towel. Cheers

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