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fixed.ini not generating dummy channel data for 30 days?

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fixed.ini not generating dummy channel data for 30 days?

Thank to the creator for a great utility!

I am novice (non-coder) so please be patient. I am trying to create dummy epg guide data for 50+ 24/7 channels. I can get the fixed.ini siteini to generate a guide.xml with single day programme data for all the channels. But I cant figure out how to get it to create 30 days worth of data.

Also I searched but can't find help with usage of showicon. I would like to add a line to the code to add a generic icon (show poster) for each program (from a local folder) but have had no luck.

Thanks in advance to anyone who is kind enough to help out!

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
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change the timespan setting in ur wgconfig.xml
its zero based so a setting of 0 means 1 day,30 would be 31 days.

showicon has not been added to the fixed.ini
just add this at the end of all the other elements

index_showicon.scrub {single|##showicon:||##|##}

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 5 years
Blackbear199 wrote:

change the timespan setting in ur wgconfig.xml
its zero based so a setting of 0 means 1 day,30 would be 31 days.
showicon has not been added to the fixed.ini
just add this at the end of all the other elements
index_showicon.scrub {single|##showicon:||##|##}

Thank you so much Blackbear! Got 30 days of data working - and got showicon working.. is awesome.

If you are near or ever in the Chicago area.. I owe you a beer or two. Thanks again.

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 10 months


I'd like to expand on this new 30 day feature of the fixed.ini with setting different programs for different days. On the time section

channel update="f" site="fixed" site_id="

if I added a date would this work?

channel update="f" site="fixed" site_id="


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