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Errors in tv programmes' life span.

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fasigno's picture
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Errors in tv programmes' life span.


I just want to report that I have some inaccuracies with the tv programme entries parsed with WebGrab+plus.

They are correct in their general fields with the exception of the start and stop date/time fields.

As you can see in this screenshot several are the tv programmes that last many hours exceeding their real lifetime; this ruins the epg validity.

I use the latest patched version of WebGrab+plus under linux and I download the tv programme data from "" with no post processing (REX or MDB); the epg guide is shown from xbmc through tvheadend. I checked the xml output with a simple xmltv viewer and I have the same issues, on the sky website the entries are correct.

Thank you and happy new year!

I noticed I was using an old beta version (53.4) so I upgraded it to "53.6pre" but with no luck.
Afterwards I decided to grab the data with the latest stable version (1.1.1-52.22), the xml files that I got have few differences and the problem persists.

I upload a zip file with my configuration file, (autogenerated from ini file), the logs and the two xml outputs.

I leave few examples that can be found in the tv.xml files:

Channel - Date - Title - Time span - Real time span

Rete4 - 12/01/14 - ZigZag - 5.45 -> 0.00 - (5.45 -> 5.50)
Canale 5 - 12/01/14 - tg5 - 5.15 -> 0.00 - (5.15 -> 5.45)
Italia 1 - 12/01/14 - Zac e Cody(...) - 5.10 -> 0.00 - (5.10 -> 5.35 / 5.35-> 6.00 Two programs but only one listed)
Rai Due - 12/01/14 - Uninettuno (...) - 4.10 -> 0.00 - (4.10 -> 5.40)

Is the problem related to the Or is in the program itself?

francis's picture
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hi fasigno,
I've looked into this one.
Think I got it correct now. There was an issue with the index show splitting. There were many overlapping shows, so that is why there were incorrect gabs.
Also added the showicon (when available)
New version on the EPG channels page

fasigno's picture
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 8 years

Many thanks Francis, now it works correctly!
I'd like to ask you why the program, when launched twice in incremental mode, continues to record several changes of the shows even if it's rather unlikely that so many changes have been made in the meantime.
Thank you again!

francis's picture
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You're welcome.
Ah, did not checked on that.
During an incremental grab, WG++ compares the stored title with the title from the index page. If these 2 titles are different, the detail page will also be grabbed (else it is skipped).
But in the site ini, the title from the detail page (the one that in this case is stored) was sometimes only a part of the index title
Arlington Road - L'inganno
On the index page "Arlington Road - L'inganno" was grabbed for the title.
On the detail page "Arlington Road" was grabbed for the title and "L'inganno" for the sub title
So when you grabbed for the second time, WG++ sees that "Arlington Road" is different from "Arlington Road - L'inganno", so it will grab the detail page also.
I have now changed the ini, so in both case "Arlington Road" is grabbed for the title.
I rely on you, for the thorough testing.

fasigno's picture
Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 8 years

Hi Francis,
I'm sorry for my late reply but I was very busy.
Now the incremental grab works like it should, but I noticed two problems.

1) All the titles of the shows with a dash character inside are truncated. Probably this is the normal behaviour of the parser. As you can check, the channels like SuperTennis or Rai Sport 1 and 2 have several football/tennis matches in their schedule. The title of these shows has a pattern like "Inter - Milan" or "Nadal - Federer" and I get a truncated title with only the first element before the dash.

2) This concerns the detailed text of a show when many tv series episodes are scheduled one after another on a channel. The description of the first episode (only when the plot is described) is replied many times on the following show entries overriding their real description. On the website this problem doesn't show up. You can use the channels "Freesbe", "K2" or "Italia 1" for debug purposes.

These problems are not urgent or necessary because they don't affect the genuinity of the tv guide, I report them just to help to improve your great software.
Warm regards.


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