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Episode without IMdb rating

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Episode without IMdb rating

For series i using ini and work very good... I just found that when i have no matching in most cases problems are because

episode have no rate... but complete serie with all seasons have IMdb rate....

Is it possible that ini have option in case when episode have NO rate then we use rate for complete serie...

Thanks smiley

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Last seen: 10 hours

i put 3 shows in 00FOX xml file which have no IMdb rate.... 

P.S. Show Four Women and a Funeral sezona 5, epizoda 1 ,,,please just change epizoda 1 to epizoda 2...


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all this is really strange (I testing on Windows 10).... no need to change matchserie mustmatch line....

You are right about first 2 shows...bad choice so sorry...and also right about scrub director...must be this line

mdb_director.scrub {multi(max=2)|p4|?ref_=ttfc_fc_dr|>|</a>|</td>}


I make more test and focus only for one show probably Four Women and a Funeral ... when i have results as I expect I explain everything once again....thank you for now yes


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I made a lot of test with 00FOX.xml file (see zip file) which have only 2 serie shows:
Vier Frauen und ein Todesfall-once we have epizoda 1 and once epizoda 2

epizoda 1- Matching in, showid = 0456106

epizoda 2 - No match in !! 


I believe that my mdb.config (see zip file) is optimal because I used for all FOX channels where in most cases (over 90%) found match for series..

So i tried also  all other  3 - 6 episodes (5 season) but no match....
these make no sense because I have all mandatory data, title and season and episode numbers
Why found only episode 1??

I also tried with sub-title:
<sub-title lang="sl">Mannsteufel</sub-title>

and voilaaaa ....

The question is:

WHY combination title+sub-title is OK
why combination title+episode-num NOT


And now main problem...

With sub-title got  Matching in for both shows but...
For Show Epizoda 2 Starrating missing because Starratingvotes = 0...we need at least 5 votes....

I found that a lot episodes not have Starrating but the whole serie have just like our here
As you see 148 votes and Starrating=7.2

So my suggestion is if possible to change  in case like this to use Starrating for whole serie?

Thanks :-)

P.S. Maybe Jan and Francis can help :-)

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