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Episode missing in EPG on tvheadend

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Episode missing in EPG on tvheadend

Hello all and thank you for this great software, I just donated :)

Unfortunaly I got a small problem: in tvheadend the episode does not show up.

I am using webgrab+plus version V4.2.4.0 on debian and tvheadend: version 4.3 on the same computer.
If I execute webgrab+plus I get a the file guide.xml with many information in it for example the episode:

    Bob’s Burgers
    Etwas Altes, etwas Neues, etwas von Bob Gekochtes
    Ein Pärchen, das sich in Bobs Restaurant kennengelernt hat, bittet die Belchers, das Catering für ihre Hochzeit zu übernehmen. Der romantische Auftrag hilft Bob über seine kleine Sinnkrise hinweg. Und natürlich verläuft alles wieder einmal ganz anders als geplant.
      Chris Song
      Jon Schroeder
      Loren Bouchard
      Elegant TooJohn Dylan Keith
    S8 E21/21

After following the epg grabber channels are updated and connected to the channels. That seems to be correct. On EPG within tvheadend the title and extra text shows up, but episode is emtpy.

Any hint/idea what I am missing here?

Thank you all and have a great day

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 12 hours

Hello there, i am not familiar with tvheadend, but what you can try is change or add in site line of siteini to {episodesystem=xmltv_ns} may be tvheadend use that type of episodesystem. with google second last post
or if you wait one member of our staff is more familiar with

Joined: 2 years
Last seen: 2 years

Thanks for your answer. I checked it today at it shows up in tvheadend without changing something. Perhaps I were not patient enough :)

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