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Duplicated text in Sub-title field in WG++ output from Radio Times data

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Duplicated text in Sub-title field in WG++ output from Radio Times data

I've noticed that (as far as I can tell) all the entries that have a Sub-title in the WG++ output from Radio Times data have this field populated with the actual sub-title duplicated. It looks like:
- if the actual sub-title ends with question-mark or exclamation mark, the field is populated with 2 copies of the actual sub-title with a space between them.
- otherwise, it's the same 2 copies of the actual sub-title with a full-stop and a space between them.
(example of one of each of these cases below)

Is this a feature of the Radio Times data or of WG++?


WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V5.2.0.0

WebGrab+Plus\siteini.pack\UK\ -- Revision 31

Config file is (first 20-30 lines):
<!-- for detailed info about the settings see
and -->
<postprocess grab="y" run="n">mdb</postprocess>
<user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36 Edg/91.0.864.59</user-agent>
<!-- to get access to sites which require your credentials -->
<credentials user="your username for the site" password="your password for the site">site name</credentials>
<!-- for siteini's that need a decrypt_userkey -->
<decryptkey site="site-name">decrypt_userkey</decryptkey>
<!-- add the correct license id values in the next line -->
<license wg-username="xxxx" registered-email="xxxxx" password="xxxxx">To force a license update; replace this text with the letter f</license>
<retry time-out="10">4</retry>
<!-- timespan 0 is one day -->
Replace the next dummy channel entry with the channels you want.
You can look into the installed siteini.pack folder on your computer

For the latest version,
see for the available sites/channels
or run SiteIni.Pack.Update.exe which is in the bin folder
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="htpp##7101c0db-8b33-59ad-9076-13a47591751b" xmltv_id="BBC One London">BBC One London</channel>
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="htfy##286ac49c-6589-526e-91c0-1535bfa37c0d" xmltv_id="BBC Two England">BBC Two England</channel>
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="hvv9##0ecfae8c-b3a1-58d3-94df-0b17a69712c9" xmltv_id="BBC Three">BBC Three</channel>
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="htfc##b4c9bef9-ef51-5ed7-9a35-d197aef04d1f" xmltv_id="BBC Four">BBC Four</channel>

A couple of sample extracts from the output:

<programme start="20240620101500 +0000" stop="20240620111500 +0000" channel="BBC One London">
<title lang="en">Homes Under the Hammer</title>
<sub-title lang="en">A Tale of Three Semis. A Tale of Three Semis</sub-title>
<desc lang="en">Dion Dublin visits semi-detached houses in Stoke and Wirral and Tommy Walsh inspects a third semi in Gillingham, Kent, before an update on the changes the new owners have made.(n)</desc>

<programme start="20240621064000 +0000" stop="20240621070500 +0000" channel="Channel 4">
<title lang="en">Everybody Loves Raymond</title>
<sub-title lang="en">Why Are We Here? Why Are We Here?</sub-title>
<desc lang="en">When Debra gets fed up with Ray's family intruding in her life, they both reminisce about how quiet life used to be in their old apartment.(n)</desc>

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 hour


Joined: 8 months
Last seen: 3 months

Thanks for fixing this. I recently upgraded to 5.3 and the problem re-occurred. I realised that I would have to re-apply the fix you sent me so I have done that now. Can I also suggest that you replace the current version of that ini file on the web-site with the fixed version so that future upgrades include the fix?


Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 hour

shud be alreadydone..have you tried a siteini.pack update?
any fix i do i send to mat8861 who pushes the changes to git.

Joined: 8 months
Last seen: 3 months

I copied the siteini from the website pack because I couldn't find the update utility. Next time I'll use the update utility.


WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 day
londc3 wrote:

I copied the siteini from the website pack because I couldn't find the update utility. Next time I'll use the update utility.

In bin or you have the siteini pack update, in windows it's under C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin

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