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Doubt with "firstshow" parameter

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tyranus7's picture
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Doubt with "firstshow" parameter

Hello everybody,

I have one doubt about the "firstshow=n/now" parameter. Reading the manual I have the impression that when setting firstshow=n WG++ will skip the first n shows on every requested day, meaning that it will skip the first n shows on day 1, it will again skip the first n shows on day 2, and so on. Is that right or "firstshow" has effect just on the very first day?

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Correct, from the manual:

• firstshow (optional). Specifies which is the first show on the index_page that will be processed (scrubbed). When not specified, or if firstshow=0, it starts with the first show found on the index_page. This value is important for sites that lists shows on the index_page from the previous day 'yesterday', because the program assumes that the first show is of 'today' if there is no date component in the times listed. A mix-up of the date value will be the result. The firstshow value allows to skip these 'yesterdays' shows. Instead of a number, the string now can be used. This will skip all shows until a day change (passing midnight) is detected.

tyranus7's picture
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What could then be causing WG++ not skipping the firstshow on a one-index/one-day type of website with parameter firstshow=1??? for which uses one index per day it is not skipping the first show which causes the "one day gap" issue, since every new index starts with the last show from the previous day. It only skips the first show on the first day. The site started to have issues since a few days ago. If I comment/delete the index_stop in the .ini file it helps to "cover" the issue, but the fact is that WG++ is not performing firstshow=1 for this site.

Windows 10 x64

I attached my files (.ini, log, guide, config)

WG++ Team memberDonator
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The problem is not firstshow, but duplicate shows, as you can see in attached pics. To remove these duplicates we add a temp scrub, followed by cleanup removeduplicate argument linked to showsplit.
New version :

tyranus7's picture
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Thank you very much for the quick fix. But I'm still super confused with firstshow. Talking about a specific example:

Index first day:

402Ver más
En busca del asesino: Gary Ridgway 23:00hs
El asesino durmiente: la mente de un monstruo - Grim Sleeper: Mind Of A Monster, The 00:00hs


Rasgos de un psicópata - Soy el demonio 23:00hs
Rasgos de un psicópata - Hice un hoyo y recé 23:30hs

Index second day:

402Ver más
Rasgos de un psicópata - Hice un hoyo y recé 23:30hs
La peor pesadilla - Cada paso que das 00:00hs


Cintas del crimen - El hombre de la camiseta roja 22:00hs
La casa del mal - No sé por qué me perdonó 23:00hs

So what is duplicated is the last show from the first day with the first show from the second day. So if firstshow=1 would actually remove the first show of every day then there wouldn't be any duplicated shows isn't? Because the first show of second day would be gone. Or am I confusing what firstshow=1 does?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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firstshow=1 removes(skips) the first show of today only.
it does not affect any future days like tomorrow,ect.
this is why you have to remove duplicate shows separately.

tyranus7's picture
Joined: 2 years
Last seen: 1 year

understood. Thanks for the clarification.

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